有关溢出性蛋白尿的特点,错误的描述是() A.可出现游离Hb增多 B.可出现肌红蛋白

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题








题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

注意:下面出现的“考生文件夹”均为c:\wexam\25160001。 (1) 在考生文件夹下有工程文件sjt3.vbp及窗体文件sjt3.frm,该程序是不完整的,请在有号的地方填入正确内容,然后删除及所有注释符(即’号),但不能修改其他部分。存盘时不得改变文件名和文件夹。如图17-3所示。 本题描述如下: 在窗体上有一个标签数组,名为Label1,该数组有4个控件元素,标题分别是“程序运行”、“文本编辑”、“双向箭头”和“移动窗体”。在程序运行后,将鼠标移动到各控件元素上,则鼠标的形状将变成各控件元素的标题所代表的鼠标形状,离开控件元素,则又变成正常情况下的箭头形状。 (2) 在考生文件夹下有工程文件sjt4.vbp,窗体文件sjt4.frm,该程序是不完整的,请在有号的地方填入正确内容,然后删除及所有注释符(即’号),但不能修改其他部分。修改后的工程及窗体文件,均以原名保存在考生文件夹下。如图17-4所示。 本题描述如下: 在窗体上有一个名为Text1的文本框,有两个命令按钮,名称分别是C1和C2,标题分别是“读入”和“计算并保存”。要求程序运行后,点击C1按钮,将文本文件in6.txt中的所有数字读到数组arr中,并在文本框内显示出来。随后C1按钮变为无效;然后点击C2按钮,求出数组arr中的各元素的平方并赋值回相应的元素,例如,arr(2)=2,则令arr(2)=arr(2)*arr(2)=4。把计算后的数组的值全部写入考生文件夹下的文本文件out6.txt中,并在文本框中显示出来,最后C2按钮也变为无效。

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

下列反应中,氧化产物为有色单质的是: [ ]

A、Cu+2H2SO4(浓)===CuSO4+ SO2↑+2H2O


C、2H2S+ SO2===3S+2H2O

D、2NaCl+2H2SO4(浓)=== Na2SO4+ 2HCl↑

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题





题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


     To many basketball fans in Taiwan, the William Jones Cup or the Basketball Association may be their

sweetest memory. But if you ask them, "What's the hottest basketball event now?" There is the only

answer: HBL, the High School Basketball League.

     Founded in 1988, the HBLwas at first just a high school basketball tournament. After the Taipei

School Sport Federation took charge in 1996 and renamed it HBL, everything changed. The Federation

decided to co-operated with Nike, the well-known sportswear manufacturer, and use its experience in

marketing to promote the game.

     The HBL started with 129 teams; today there are more than 250. no longer just of interest to the

players, it's now Taiwan's biggest basketball event. Fellow students, alumni (男毕业生,男校友), and

sports fans all over Taiwan cheer for their favorite teams. At last year's finals, Taipei and Kaohsiung

mayors came to cheer for their teams.

     The HBL starts in September with qualifying and preliminary(预备的,初步的) rounds and continues

through April of the following year, when the finals are held. Broadcasting the games on television has

helped make the HBL a wildly popular event. It's become the place to spot young basketball talent.

Today's HBL players are tomorrow's professionals.

     Recent HBL tournaments have been very competitive, with no one school taking the advantage. This

wide-open quality of the tournament makes it more exciting. Everyone wants to see how this year's games will come out. HBL fever just keeps getting hotter.

1. What is the hottest event in the eyes of most basketball fans in Taiwan?

A. HBL                    

B. The William Jones Cup  

C. The Basketball Association    


2. What was it that helped to make the High School Basketball League wildly popular to the public?

A. The co-operation with Nike, the well-known sportswear manufacturer.

B. Broadcasting the games on television.

C. Taipei and Kaohsiung mayors' coming to cheer for their teams at last year's finals.

D. Many tomorrow's professionals' joining.

3.Why does the writer say"Recent HBL tournaments have been very competitive"?

A. Because there isn't a school taking the advantage.

B. Because HBL fever just keeps getting hotter.

C. Because it's become the place to spot young basketball talent.

D. Because the Taipei School Sport Federation took charge of it.

4. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Today's Players---Tomorrow's Professionals

B. The High School Basketball League of Taiwan  

C. The Basketball Fans in Taiwan  

D. HBL Fever---Just Keeping Getting Hotter

5. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. At first, the HBL was no more than a high school football ball tournament.

B. It was the successful co-operation with Nike, the well-known sportswear manufacturer

     that changed everything of HBL.

C. Many of the mayors came to cheer for their teams during the event.

D. Everyone wants to see how the teams will come out to take part in the games.

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

