


甲和乙是邻居,因楼内通道占用问题向来不和。某日晚,两人因琐事发生争执,进而扭打在一起,造成乙身上多处软组织损伤,经法医鉴定为轻微伤。乙遂向当地派出所报案,派出所将甲拘留。公安机关侦查终结后向人民检察院移送起诉,人民检察院经过审查,认为甲属于我国《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第15条第一款规定的情节显著轻微,危害不大,不认为是犯罪的情形,经检察长决定,做出不起诉决定。则根据我国刑事诉讼法的规定,下列说法中哪一项是错误的( )








—Have a good trip!   — _____.[ ]

A. Thank you    

B. Don't say that    

C. You're welcome    

D. That's right









     It was a normal Saturday morning, and everyone was in a good mood. The year was 2000 and I was

then only 6 years old. I remember it like it was yesterday though. We were just eating breakfast when we

received a phone call. We received phone calls all the time, so it was nothing new to me. However, this

phone call was an important one. I soon heard and saw my mother crying on the couch(沙发)with my

father comforting her. My brother, sister, and I didn't know what had happened, as they had not told us

yet. Later, I was told that my grandfather was in the hospital because he had a heart attack. I did not know what to think. I had never heard of a heart attack, but I figured (认为) that it must be serious if he was in

the hospital.

     My grandfather and grandmother lived far away from us and we did not get to see them often. It was a long trip. My mother rushed to the hospital while my father stayed at home with my brother, sister and me.

     I do not think my young sister was really understanding it all yet. My mother returned a little later with

bad news. My grandfather had died before she got there. I was speechless. I had loved my grandfather

greatly. He was the one who taught me how to fish and enjoy the outdoors.

1. Why didn't the morning phone call surprise the author?

A. Because he/she was only 6 years old.

B. Because the phone call was a case as usual.

C. Because he/she was just eating breakfast.

D. Because it was a normal Saturday morning.

2. The author's mother began to cry       .

A. after the father comforted her on the couch

B. before she received the important phone call

C. when she knew her father was in the hospital

D. as her children didn’t understand what had happened

3. The author's family seldom got to see the grandparents because       .

A. they had no spare time                

B. the old couple lived too far away

C. the old couple were often in hospital

D. they didn't have a private car

4. We can know from the passage that       .

A. both the father and the mother went to the hospital

B. the author cared much about his/her grandfather

C. people with a heart attack should be in hospital at once

D. the mother was in time for having a word with her father

5. It can be inferred from the passage that       .

A. the author's family was poor in 2000

B. the author's father wasn't sad at all

C. the author's sister knew a heat attack was a serious disease

D. there were three children in the author's family



(2) 1830年,德国化学家___________创立了有机化合物的 _____________。

