生理性贫血出现于() A.生后4~6天 B.生后2~3个月 C.生后4~6岁

题型:单项选择题 B型题








题型:单项选择题 B型题


题型:单项选择题 B型题

Julia said they would have a _____ holiday.[ ]

A. two-month    

B. two-months

C. two month    

D. two months

题型:单项选择题 B型题

以下说法正确的是(  )




D.在反应Na2CO3+2HCl═2NaCl+H2O+CO2↑ 中,由于有气体放出,所以不符合质量守恒定律

题型:单项选择题 B型题

空气通过呼吸道进入肺所经历途径的顺序为(  )





题型:单项选择题 B型题

Tourism wasn’t as important as it is today. In the past, only people with a good deal of money could travel on holidays to other countries. More people travel today than in the past because there is a growing middle class in many parts of the world; that is to say, people now have more money for travel. Special plane fares(费用) for tourists make travel less expensive and more attractive than ever before. One person doesn’t travel for the same reason as another. But most people enjoy seeing countries that are different from their own. They also like to meet new people and to taste new food.

Tourism causes many changes in a country and in people’s lives. People build new hotels and restaurants and train native men and women as guides to show visitors interesting places. There’re new nightclubs and other amusements. International tourism is clearly a big business.

小题1:In the old days _________ could travel to other countries.

A.boys and girls, men or women, young or old

B.either kings or queens

C.both the poor and the rich

D.nobody but those who had money小题2:More people travel today than in the past because______________.

A.people have become interested in traveling

B.traveling today is easier than in the past

C.people now have spare money for travel

D.great changes have taken place in the world小题3: What makes travel more attractive than before?

A.Travel by air to other countries is much cheaper today.

B.More guides are being trained to show beautiful spots.

C.Modern telegraph lines make travel less expensive.

D.New hotels and restaurants have been built.小题4:Which of the following statements is true according to the article?

A.Tourism won’t bring any changes in people’s minds.

B.People have some trouble in making journey.

C.With the development of tourism, great changes have taken place in many parts in the world.

D.Tourism causes only some changes in clothing.
