


新修的《中学生日常行为规范》中增加了“同学之间应互相尊重、理解、宽容”的内容,对此,认识正确的是[     ]










---Hi, Dave. This is Helen speaking!

---Hi, what a coincidence! I _____ about you.

A.was just thinking

B.just thought

C.have just thought

D.would just think

如图所示,在x轴上方存在着垂直于纸面向里、磁感应强度为B的匀强磁场,一个不计重力的带电粒子从坐标原点O处以速度v进入磁场,粒子进人磁场时的速度方向垂直于磁场且与x轴正方向成120°角,若粒子穿过y轴正半轴后在磁场中到x轴的最大距离为a,则该粒子的比荷和所带电荷的正负是(  )






Jan. 7, 2008 --- French President Nicolas Sarkozy would marry his girlfriend, former supermodel Carla Bruni on Feb. 8 or 9, media reported Monday.

The report said that in December --- less than a month after Sarkozy met Bruni --- he gave her a heart-shaped diamond engagement ring.

Carla Bruni, Italian singer, former model and girlfriend of France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy, holds the hand of her son Aurelien while wearing a pink heart-shaped ring during a visit to the ancient Jordanian ruins of Petra Jan. 5, 2008. French newspapers reported that Sarkozy would marry her early in February.

Sarkozy and his wife of 11 years, Cecilia, divorced in October. Their marital(婚姻)problems became well known in May 2005 when she appeared in public at the side of event organizer Richard Attias.

A marriage to Bruni, a one-time star of the catwalks who is now a singer, would be Sarkozy’s third: He divorced his first wife, Marie, in the late 80s --- after he had met and befriended Cecilia.

Political analyst Dominique Moisi said that a Sarkozy proposal to Bruni could be part of his desire to head off any future arguments, and the speed of their visit to the ancient Jordanian ruins of Petra Jan. 5, 2008 would fit with his personality as a busy man in a hurry.

“Apparently, he’s going to marry her, so the problem will be behind him,” Moisi said. “He will increase the opportunities to travel with her, and to say to the French, ‘You see, I must remarry… You need a first lady.’”

Bruni, an Italian-born French citizen, has dated famous men including Mick Jagger and Donald Trump. She has also reportedly been linked to singer Eric Clapton and actor Vincent Perez.

53. What is the correct order of Sarkozy’s marital history?

A. Long marriage to Cecilia                             

B. Visiting ruins with Bruni

C. Getting divorced from Marie                        

D. Giving Bruni a diamond ring

E. To marry the former supermodel

A. c-a-b-d-e           B. e-d-c-a-b           C. c-a-d-b-e           D. a-c-d-b-e

54. What did Moisi really intend to inform the readers?

A. The president will spend more time staying with Bruni

B. Sarkozy is good at balancing state and personal affairs

C. It is not easy for President Sarkozy to seek a new love

D. It is a doubt whether the marriage would have a bright future

55. The possible purpose of the last paragraph is to _________

A. provide some unknown stories about Bruni’s love affairs

B. show uncertainty about the former supermodel’s loyalty

C. imply that past experiences have little effect on a person

D. prove Bruni one of the most popular and attractive females

56. Which would be the best title for the news?

A. Bruni, France’s first lady                   

B. A third marriage to fail

C. France to have first lady                    

D. President’s new girl friend




-What do you do yesterday afternoon?

-I went to the bookstore,___ some books and visited my uncle.

A.to buy



