阅读下面这首诗歌,然后回答问题。(9分) 江乡故人偶集客舍 唐戴叔伦 天秋月又满





唐 戴叔伦



小题1:古人写诗讲究“炼字”,“羁旅长堪醉,相留畏晓钟”一句中哪个字用得最好?有怎样的表达效果?( 4分)



Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 in Portsmouth.Finances were a constant concern for his family.The expenses of having a large family were too much for his father's salary.In fact, when Charles was just four months old, the family moved to a smaller home to cut expenses.

At a very young age, despite his family's financial situation, Charles dreamed of becoming a gentleman.However, when he was 12, it seemed his dream would never come true.He suffered a lot.Charles' education was unplanned, but he supplemented it with constant reading, particularly of the eighteenthcentury novels in his father's small library.He was poorly clothed, ill fed, forced to live in the cheapest place.

Also,12yearold Charles was removed from school and sent to work at a factory to help support the family.Charles was deeply marked by these experiences.This childhood poverty, although unknown to his readers until after his death, would be a heavy influence on Dickens' later views on social reform and the world he would create through his fiction.He knew those kinds of feelings.He was lost at that time when he worked hopelessly in the factory.That period was so bitter to the sensitive boy.When he was a successful, happy man, he could not look back upon it without tears in his eyes.

Luckily the situation improved within a year.Charles was released from his duties at the factory.

小题1:As a boy, Charles Dickens' dream was __________.

A.to be a writer

B.to be a gentleman

C.to work in a factory

D.to support his family小题2:Charles Dickens was removed from school because __________.

A.he didn't like to go to school at all

B.he caused much trouble at school

C.he had to make money to support the family

D.he liked reading in his father's small library小题3:What greatly affected Charles Dickens when he was young?

A.His constant reading.

B.His family's frequent move.

C.His leaving school to work.

D.His father's salary.小题4:What can we know about Charles Dickens?

A.He received a good education when young.

B.He felt confused when working in the factory.

C.He worked in the factory for many years.

D.He started to work in the factory in 1826.









Regardless of their political affiliation, in all countries women must overcome a host of stumbling blocks that limit their political careers. "Most obstacles to progress consist of (1) of various kinds," says the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), a Geneva-based organization (2) 139 parliaments, including the lack of time, training, information, self-confidence, money, support, motivation, women’s networks and solidarity between women.

In every culture, prejudice and stereotypes (3) hard. The belief still holds (4) that women belong in the kitchen and (5) the children, not at election (6) or in the Speaker’s chair. The media often reinforce traditional images of women, who, upon entering politics, also bear the brunt (正面冲击) of verbal and physical (7) .

In impoverished (贫穷的) countries (8) by civil conflicts and deteriorating economic and social conditions, women are (9) by the tasks of managing everyday life and looking after their families.

The IPU stresses the general lack of child-care facilities—often (10) a privileged few—the (11) of political parties to change the times and running of meetings and the weak backing women receive from their families. That support, which is (12) as well as financial, is (13) vital because women have internalized (14) images of themselves since the (15) of time and often suffer from low self-confidence.

Another obstacle is the lack of financial resources, especially as election campaigns become increasingly expensive. (16) , women encounter more or less open machismo (男子汉的高傲) in the (17) of closed political circles (18) entry to the "second sex. " Lastly, they (19) the lack of solidarity between women, (20) by the fact that the number of available positions is limited.


A. all the same

B. at most

C. all the more

D. above all








习 * * * * 指出:我们的人民热爱生活,期盼有更好的教育、更稳定的工作、更满意的收入、更可靠的社会保障、更高水平的医疗卫生服务、更舒适的居住条件、更优美的环境,期盼着孩子们能成长得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民对美好生活的向往,就是我们的奋斗目标。这表明社会主义市场经济的根本目标是()




