一定要洗七遍 上课时教授讲“WTO条款”,大家昏昏欲睡,为了消除瞌睡状况,教授使出





       一个在日本的留学生,课余为日本餐馆洗盘予以赚取学费。日本的餐饮业有个不成文的行 (háng     

 xíng)规,(即   既)餐馆的盘子必须用水洗七遍,洗盘子的工作是按件计酬的,这位留学生计上心头,洗盘子时少洗一两遍。果然,劳动效率大大提高,工钱自然也迅速增加。一起洗盘子的日本学生向他请教技术。他毫不避讳(huì)说:“你看,洗了七遍的盘予和洗五遍的有区别吗?少洗两次嘛。”日本学生渐渐与他疏远了。     

       餐馆老板偶尔抽查了盘子清洗的情况。一次检查中,老板用专用的试纸测出盘子清洗的程度不够并(责   则)问这位留学生时,他振振有辞:“____                                 ”老板只是淡淡地说:“你是一个不诚实的人,请你离开。”为了生计,他又到另一家餐馆应聘洗盘子。老板打量(liàng    liǎng)了他半天,才说:“你就是那位只洗五遍盘子的中国留学生吧。对不起,我们不需要!”第二家、第三家……他屡屡碰壁,不仅如此,他的房东不久也要求他退房,原因是他的“名声”对其他住户(多数是留学生)的工作产生了不良影响。他就读的学校也专门找他谈话,希望他能转到其他学校去。因为他影响了学校的生源——万般无奈,他只好收拾行李搬到另一座城市,一切重新开始。他痛心痰首地告诉准备到日本留学的中国学生:“在日本洗盘子一定要洗七遍呀!”    

       这就是WTO的规则   教授厉声棒喝    我们不禁肃然动容   睡意全无    













Teenagers who do not get enough of the nutrients commonly found in fruits and fish are easier to have bad lungs, coughing and wheezing (喘息).Teens who eat the least of fruit and especially vitamin C have weaker lungs compared to the others.

Teens who take in less vitamin E, found in vegetable oil and nuts, are more likely to have asthma(哮喘), Jane Bums at the Harvard School of Public Health found.

Based on these findings.Bums said that current recommended dose(一剂)of vitamin C, 85 mg a day, may not be enough for teens to have healthy lungs.Teens who eat less fruit and don't take in enough fatty acids (脂肪酸) are more likely to have asthma and the signs of breathing difficulty.

Proper amounts of fatty acids are protective, Bums said, though fish, the best source of fatty acids, is particularly unpopular with teenagers.Fatty acids are also found in some nuts as well as some green vegetables'.Smokers who avoid vitamin C will increase their chances of coughing, wheezing and developing phlegm(痰).

More than 80 percent of teens are getting their recommended doses of vitamin C - mainly from fruit drinks."I wouldn't approve of drinking them, but at least they're getting their vitamin C from somewhere," Burns said.

Burns added that there are several different ways to get the necessary nutrients."I think vitamin supplements are fine.I think adding vitamin D to orange juice is fine.But I do think there are added benefits that we don't fully understand of eating whole foods like fruits and vegetables and fish," she said.The researchers did not account for poverty and other factors that often distinguish less-healthy eaters and may explain their findings.

小题1:According to the passage, what is the problem with teens who don't get enough nutrients?

A.They are becoming smokers.

B.They don't take enough exercise.

C.They eat too much fruit and fish.

D.They are likely to have weaker lungs.小题2:According to Burns, how should teens get the necessary nutrients?

A.By drinking juice as much as possible.

B.By eating more whole foods.

C.By taking vitamin pills.

D.By giving up smoking.小题3:Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the researchers in the passage?

A.The amount of nutrients teens should take in a day.

B.How teens can take in enough nutrients.

C.Whether poor teens can prove their findings.

D.The fact that teens don't like fish.小题4:What is the best title for the passage?

A.Poor nutrition hurts teens' health.

B.Teens lack proper nutrition.

C.Teens are easy to suffer from diseases.

D.More fruit help keep teens healthy.












