如图所示是光从空气斜射入水中的光路图,其中正确的是( ) A. B. C.



如图所示是光从空气斜射入水中的光路图,其中正确的是(  )
















     A. Sunworld Dynasty Hotel

     The signature crab feast thoughtfully prepared by our NO.1 Chef Chen Ruirong combines the

essence of the centennial Zhejiang and Jiangsu cuisine culture with modern concepts of healthy eating.

Guests can enjoy delicious crab prepared in classic style. For our more discerning guests Chef Chen is

happy to use his exquisite techniques to create the dishes that answer your desires.

     For reservations or further information, please contact (8610)5816 8888 ext 8288

     B. Grand Hotel Beijing

     The new year draws near and the Grand Hotel Beijing has been preparing its annual series of gift

boxes. These traditional foods, including hand-made sausages, salted Beijing duck and varieties of

Chinese bread, will give you and your loved ones a taste of pure old Beijing during the holiday festivities. With just a call, you can enjoy " five-star" delicacies at home!

      For ordering please contact: (86-10)651300540 ext. 312 or 313

C. Grand Metropark Yuantong Hotel Beijing

     This impressive Western-style architecture has an old world interior with traditional Chinese elements.

Ideally situated on Financial Street, it is convenient to the subway and other public transportation, with

the Mei Lanfang Theater nearby and several business districts within walking distance. An enterprise of

the Beijing Dadi Yuantong Group, this five-star hotel is managed by the CTS HK Metropark Hotels

Management Co. Ltd.

     For reservations please contact: (86-10)66026688

     D. Beijing Minzu Hotel

     Beijing Minzu Hotel is an ideal place for you to spend your Christmas Eve this year. The hotel will

present a special holiday dinner steeped in "European Flavor" on December 24. Excellent French wine,

classical music, festive decorations and elegant cuisine will leave you feeling jolly and warm on that

wonderful night. And if you are lucky Santa might have some surprising gifts for you.

     For reservations please contact: (86-10)66014466 ext. 162or 163

     E. Beijing Far East International Youth Hotel

    Beijing Far East International Youth Hotel, affiliated with the Beijing Tourism Group, is the first hotel

in China to join the International Youth Hostels Federation. The hotel has 158 guestrooms that face into

a typical Beijing courtyard. It ranks in the Top 10 of a list determined and compiled by Hostel.com on

the basis of customer satisfaction, and was selected best Youth Hotel in 2006 by Hostelbookers.com. in

addition, the hotel offers a very convenient location, only a few minutes walk to cultural and commercial

districts such as Liu Li Chang, Tian'anmen Square, Qianmen, Dashilan and the Forbidden City.

    Website: www.fareastyh.com <http://www.fareastyh.com>

     Tel : (86-10) 5195 8565 ext 8561

     F. Hilton Beijing Wangfujing Hotel

    Currently the Hilton Beijing Wangfujing Hotel is sweetening the pot by granting a 50 percent discount

on ice-cream, desserts and cakes sold on the premises.

    Guests have a wide range of choices: on the first floor, delicious desserts and cakes can be enjoyed in

repose and peace in the Library; special Macanese ice-cream can be savored in Vascoon restaurant on

the fifth floor; and all can be topped off with a fine Martini in the Flames bar. The 50 percent discount

also applies to those planning to enjoy that take-away cake in the comfort of home.

     Tel: (86-10) 5812 8888 ext 8411


1.  Charlie, a college student from America, majors in medicine. He is fond of Chinese culture, especially

      the Chinese ancient buildings. So he'll come to Beijing alone. Without any friends or relatives in

      Beijing, he has to find a good hotel according to the information given in magazines.

2. Daisy is a sweet food lover, She is a foreign student studying in Beijing university. She likes the

    university very much except for its food. So she always eats outside or takes food back from outside.

    She enjoys reading " CHINA TODAY " to get latest information and discount information about food.

3.  David is a businessman from England. When free he enjoys going to theaters. Recently he is very

     interested in learning the financial information about developing countries. He has been to many

     countries. This month he'll come to China to investigate the market situation.

4.  Laura has to stay in Beijing owing to her project in China for a whole year, but she felt it a nice thing

     to have an opportunity to spend the new year festival here. She'd like to take some Chinese traditional

     foods to meet the need of her family.

5.  Johnson is an epicure. Crab is his favorite. He will catch every chance to taste special, different and

     traditional foods all over the world. Chinese cuisine culture has made deep impression on him. So he

     thinks his visit to China this Summer will be a good expectation.




患者,男性,双侧下肢、臀部、躯干部皮损2个月余,皮损为炎性丘疹、水疱、脓疱、部分小结节,中心有坏死、潜行性溃疡,皮损边界清楚,边缘皮肤呈紫红色、水肿,自觉疼痛感明显,血常规提示WBC 12×109/L、N 82%、L 19%、Hb 115g/L、PLT 23×109/L,尿常规正常。


A.原发病的治疗 B.抗生素应用


某新建工程,建筑面积120000m2,地下2层,地上22层,钢筋混凝土框架一剪力墙结构,合同工期780日。某施工总承包单位按照建设单位提供的工程量清单及其他招标文件参加了该工程的投标,并以34263.29万元的报价中标。双方依据《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》(GF一2013一O201)签订了工程施工总承包合同。 合同约定:本工程采用固定单价合同计价模式;当实际工程量增加或减少超过清单工程量的5%时,合同单价予以调整,调整系数为0.95或1.05;投标报价中的钢筋、土方的全费用综合单价分别为5800.00元/吨,32.00元/m3。 合同履行过程中,发生了下列事件:






