







A man was on the side of the road hitchhiking(搭便车) on a very dark night in the middle of a terrible rainstorm, with no cars on the road. The storm was so strong that the man could hardly see a few feet ahead of him. Suddenly, he saw a car come towards him and stop. The man, without thinking about it, got in the car and closed the door and only then did he realize that there was nobody behind the steering wheel(方向盘)!

The car started to move very slowly. The man looked at the road and saw a curve(拐弯处) coming his way. Terrified, he started to pray, begging for his life. He had not come out of shock when, just before the car hit the curve, a hand suddenly appeared through the window and moved the wheel. The man, paralyzed with fear, watched how the hand appeared every time the car was drawing near a curve. Finally, although terrified, the man managed to open the door and jump out of the spooky(怪异的) car. Without looking back, the man ran through the storm all the way to the nearest town. In a state of complete horror, the man walked into a nearby bar and asked for two glasses of Scotch whisky.

Then, still shaking with fright, he started telling everybody in the bar about the horrible experience he just went through in the spooky car. Everyone in the bar listened in silence and became frightened, with hair standing on end, when they realized the man was telling the truth because he was crying and he was certainly not drunk!

About half an hour later, two other young men walked into the same bar and one said to the other,“Hey, there’s a stupid man who jumped into the car while we were pushing it!”

小题1:When the car was first drawing near a curve, the man       .

A.felt very curious

B.was extremely frightened

C.cried for help

D.remained as calm as possible小题2:According to the passage, what made the man’s experience believable?

A.His reasonable behavior.

B.His vivid description.

C.His simple appearance.

D.His honest attitude.小题3:We can infer from the passage that       .

A.it is unsafe for people to take a free ride

B.the man was telling a lie to his listeners

C.the car probably broke down on the way

D.the two young men were familiar with the man


如图所示,一粗糙的平行金属轨道平面与水平面成θ角,两轨道上端用一电阻R相连,该装置处于匀强磁场中,磁场方向垂直轨道于平面向上.质量为m的金属杆ab以初速度v0从轨道底端向上滑行,滑行到某高度h后又返回到底端.若运动过程中金属杆始终保持与导轨垂直且接触良好,轨道与金属杆的电阻均忽略不计.则下列说法正确的是( )






Three years ago I listened to a lecture on cognition that changed the way I think about intelligence. There are two types of cognition, and the first is normal cognition the ability to regain knowledge from memory. The second type of cognition is metacognition(元认知) the ability to know whether or not you know.

Does this affect intelligence? In traditional education, intelligence is measured by cognitive ability. Some people can easily produce everything they know on a test. But others are awarded with poor grades and considered inferior (not as good as). But does this inability make them any less intelligent? If the question came up on a task, they could refer to a book or a quick Google search. In reality they’re just as effective as the people that ace a test. They just can’t prove it as easily.

Metacognition is more important to success than cognition. A person with poor cognitive ability, but great metacognitive ability might do poorly in school, but when faced with a challenge, they understand their abilities and take the best course of action. For example, when faced with a question, a person with strong metacognitive ability will deal with it like this. If he knows the answer, but can’t come up with it, he can always do a bit of research. If he knows for sure that he doesn’t know, then he can start educating himself. Because he’s aware of his ignorance, he doesn’t act with foolish confidence. These people might not seem intelligent at first glance, but because they know what they know, they make better decisions and learn the most important things.

However, people with great cognitive ability but poor metacognitive ability may be considered excellent at a young age for acing every test and getting great SAT scores. Unfortunately, they’ve been ruined by poor metacognition they think they know everything but they really don’t. They are arrogant (overconfident), fail to learn from mistakes, and don’t understand the slight differences of personal relationships, showing disregard for persons with lower cognitive ability. They may make the worst decisions.

The most important mental power is the ability to know what you don’t know .The recognition of a fault is the first step to improvement. Don’t try to hide a lack of knowledge. For intelligent people this is the toughest lesson to learn.

小题1:People with great cognitive ability tend to ______________.       

A.do well in tests

B.be considered inferior

C.be more effective than others

D.do research when faced with a task小题2:The underlined phrase “take the best course of action,” probably means______.

A.starting educating himself

B.taking action during the course

C.making the right decision

D.coming up with many ideas小题3:People with poor metacognition may not succeed because they ________.

A.lack basic moral values

B.have improper self evaluation

C.fail to communicate with others

D.show little respect for others小题4:The author probably supports the idea that ___________.

A.intelligence is measured by cognitive ability

B.cognition is the most important mental power

C.the toughest lesson is to distinguish the two types of cognition

D.the awareness of one’s ignorance contributes to one’s improvement


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