请以“水”为对象,分别从不同角度立意,写出三个富有哲理的句子。 例句:污身垢体浑










1. 看电视                             

2. 我的爷爷                              

3. 一张中国地图                                

4. 去散步                            

5. 放风筝                           

6. play badminton                             

7. the White House                            

8. capital city                           

9. east of China                            

10. the Palace Museum                            




荆门市是国家循环经济试点市,目前正在沙洋建设全国最大的秸秆气化发电厂。电厂建成后每年可消化秸秆13万吨,发电9×107KWh 。同时电厂所产生的灰渣将生成肥料返还农民,焦油用于精细化工,实现“农业    工业    农业”循环。




第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


As the first report of the accident came in, Burton was sitting in his office on the top floor of the building.Immediately,   36   the seriousness of the whole incident, he   37   down to a ground floor room with a small waiting-room to look into the matter himself, leaving his colleagues to   38   all other cases.

He interviewed the first   39   almost at once, making sure everything was done   40 

could be done to make her feel relaxed.  41  , the witness was obviously nervous and Burton took great pains to go over what she said   42  , choosing and   43   each word carefully and taking the woman’s statement down himself.The witness had called the police and she’d waited until the ambulance(救护车) began to arrive, then, when the first police car arrived at the   44 

she’d been asked to report to the police station.

Burton   45   that regrettably it would be necessary for her to go to court because of the serious   46   of the disaster. More he could not say at present. He’d be thankful if the woman

47   keep in touch with the police.

When she had gone, Burton put his head in his hands and   48   before asking for the next witness.The woman couldn’t be   49   as a hundred percent witness because she had been behind the wall   50   the explosion occurred.But in spite of her nerves, Burton had the   51 

that she was dependable, not afraid of relating herself   52   it and a fairly exact observer.

Well,   53   would be other descriptions and   54   all these would be put into place and the whole picture would become   55 .He raised his head and pressed the bell on his desk.

“Next witness, please.” He said.

36.A.remembering        B.guessing             C.supposing           D.realizing

37.A.moved            B.stepped              C.came             D.raced

38.A.take on           B.take in              C.take over           D.take off

39.A.prisoner           B.witness              C.murderer          D.lawyer

40.A.that                B.when                C.what              D.how

41.A.Therefore         B.However             C.Otherwise          D.Finally

42.A.hardly            B.simply              C.completely        D.nearly

43.A.memorizing        B.checking             C.organizing         D.improving

44.A.school           B.house               C.station            D.scene

45.A.predicted          B.spoken              C.taught             D.explained

46.A.meaning           B.nature               C.importance        D.result

47.A.should            B.might               C.could             D.must

48.A.considered         B.discussed            C.learned            D.argued

49.A.admired           B.regarded             C.made              D.respected

50.A.while              B.when                C.since               D.after

51.A.concept          B.taste               C.expectation         D.impression

52.A.to                B.with                C.for                 D.into

53.A.That               B.This                C.They               D.There

54.A.no wonder         B.no way              C.no doubt            D.no problem

55.A.possible          B.hopeful             C.clear                D.true






