33除以4的商和余数分别是[ ] A.7;5 B.8;1 C.7;2



33除以4的商和余数分别是[ ]






        美国宇航局的“信使”号水星探测飞船8 月3 日搭乘“德尔塔2”型火箭,在佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角的肯尼迪航天中心点火升空。发射取得圆满成功,“信使”号开始了计划中的耗时6 年半、飞行79 亿公里的探测远征。

        这是30 年来人类探测器首次对水星进行全面的环绕探测。

        水星距地球约9 100 万公里,“信使”号直接飞到水星只要3 个月左右。因为“信使”号如果要直接进入环水星轨道,需要携带更多燃料,这就意味着需要更大载荷的运载火箭和更高的科研成本。而为进入水星轨道,“信使”号要先在太阳系内飞行6 年多的时间。

        受发射运载重量的限制,“信使”号没能携带足够的燃料上天。因而“信使”号需在太阳系内部先进行数年长途环绕漫游,使自身减速。它将在飞经地球一次、飞经金星两次、环绕太阳12 圈获得足够引力支持后,在第三次飞过水星时,由于引力作用,先被猛烈甩向金星,然后借助“弹力效应”,于地球时间2011 年3 月再次被弹向水星,顺势“滑进”水星轨道,开始为期一年的环水星飞行;其间,“信使”号探测飞船上的7 种科研器将对水星的表面、空间环境、地质化学及空间距离等进行全面探测,收集相关数据。

        这次“信使”号的水星轨道探测项目,是美国宇航局雄心勃勃的行星探测项目“发现计划”的一部分。“发现计划”侧重于使用3 年内能够研制成功的小型探测器、总预算一般不超过2.99 亿美元的项目;美国宇航局空间科学主管部门鼓励在该计划研发过程中尽量采用新技术,并鼓励将这些新技术转让给私营中小企业,以增加美国中小企业参与太空科研开发的机会。

        今年1 月初“星尘”号探测器与怀尔德-2 彗星的“亲密相会”,随后“勇气”号与“相遇”号先后登陆火星都是“发现计划”的预定项目。据美国宇航局信息,目前“发现计划”的两个最新选定项目为“黎明”与“开普勒”,“黎明”项目打算进入太阳系两个最大的小行星轨道,“开普勒”项目则计划研制一台太空望远镜,用于搜寻其他类似地球大小、围绕恒星飞行的行星,两个项目都拟于2006 年启动。

        (选自《人民日报》2004 年8 月9 日,有删节)

1.对“信使”号水星探测飞船要先在太阳系内飞行的原因分析不正确的一项是(    )





2.不属于美国宇航局提出的行星探测“发现计划”的一项是(     )


B.3 年内研制预算不超过2.99 亿美元的小型行星探测器。


D.“星尘”号与怀尔德-2 彗星“相会”,“勇气”号与“机遇”号先后登陆火星。

3.对“信使”号飞船实现绕水星飞行的过程的描述正确的一项是(     )


B.太阳系内环绕漫游→飞经地球→飞经金星→环绕太阳15 圈(其中三次飞过水星)→甩向金星→第4 次弹向水星,“滑进”水星轨道。

C.飞经地球→飞经金星两次→环绕太阳15 圈(其间第3 次飞过水星)→甩向金星→弹向水星,“滑进”水星轨道。

D.飞经地球一次→飞经金星两次→环绕太阳15 圈(其间第2 次飞过水星)→甩向金星→第3 次弹向水星,“滑进”水星轨道。

4.根据本文提供的信息,以下推断错误的一项是(     )

A.“信使”号飞船进行探测远征的原理是通过数年长途环绕漫游来使自身减速,再通过环绕太阳15 圈获得足够的引力支持,然后借助“弹力效应”由金星弹向水星。

B.“信使”号飞船的升空是人类首次对水星进行全面的环绕探测,人类将借助飞船上的7 种科研仪器收集水星表面、空间环境、地质化学空间距离等方面的数据。

C.“信使”号水星探测飞船真正环绕水星飞行只有一年的时间,而为了节约科研成本,却要在太阳系内漫游飞行6 年半。

D.2006 年,美国将启动“黎明”项目以进入太阳系中两个最大的小行星轨道,同时,启动“开普勒”项目研制出一台太空望远镜。








Advances in surveillance technology could seriously damage individual privacy unless drastic measures are taken to protect personal data, scientists have said. Richard Thomas, the Information Commissioner, gave warning last year that Britain was "sleepwalking" into a surveillance society. Yesterday the country’s leading engineers developed the theme, fleshing out a dystopian vision that not even George Orwell could have predicted.
They said that travel passes, supermarket loyalty cards and mobile phones could be used to track individuals’ every move. They also predicted that CCTV (close-circuit television) footage could become available for public consumption and that terrorists could hijack the biometric chips in passports and rig them up as a trigger for explosives.
The report by the Royal Academy of Engineering, Dilemmas of Privacy and Surveillance-Challenges of Technological Change, argues that the scientists developing surveillance technology should also think about measures to protect privacy. "Just as security features have been incorporated into car design, privacy-protecting features should be incorporated into the design of products and services that rely on divulging personal information," the report says.
"There is a choice between a Big Brother world where individual privacy is almost extinct and a world where the data are kept by individual organizations or services and kept secret and secure." The report says that shoppers should be allowed to buy goods and services without revealing their identities to the companies that provide them. It argues that travel and supermarket loyalty cards and mobile phones are mines of personal information that should be closely scrutinized to make sure that data is not abused.
Professor Nigel Gilbert, chairman of the report group, said. "In most cases, supermarket loyalty cards will have your name on. Why What is needed in a loyalty card is for the supermarket to know what has been bought so you can get your discounts. "
"Does it need to identify you No, it just needs authentication that you’ve bought the goods. It is the same for Oyster cards on the Tube, some of which you have to register for. These are all apparently small things but people are being required to give away more identification information than is required."
Ian Forbes, the report’s coauthor, said that because footage from CCTV cameras could be digitized and potentially stored for ever, that necessitated greater scrutiny of the controlling networks. Britain has about five million CCTV cameras, one for every 12 people.
The report says: "Give this potential, it cannot be guaranteed that surveillance images will remain private, or will not be altered, misused or manipulated. " The report also gives warning that biometric passports and identity cards would give fresh opportunities to fraudsters and terrorists to read remotely the data chips that they contain. It says that it could be possible to rig a bomb to go off in the presence of a certain person or someone of a particular nationality.
The report proposes that the Information Commissioner should be given extended powers, and that stiffer penalties, including prison sentences, should be introduced for those who misuse personal data. The Commons Home Affairs Select Committee is expected to announce an inquiry into the growing use of surveillance.

According to the passage, the greatest threat to an individual in a surveillance society is ______.

A.your every move will be tracked

B.your personal information will be publicized

C.your personal property will be stolen

D.your life will be taken








