






病史女性病人,58岁,高中文化,退休干部。病人30年来反复于劳累或受凉后出现胸闷、心悸、气急,休息后稍好转。曾多次住院治疗,经胸片、心脏超声等检查明确为“风湿性心脏病、二尖瓣狭窄伴关闭不全、主动脉瓣关闭不全、心力衰竭”。给予强心、利尿、 ACEI等药物治疗好转出院。平时易感冒、咽痛。2天前受凉后出现畏寒发热、胸闷、气急加重、夜间不能平卧、咳嗽、咳白色泡沫痰,量不多,胃纳差,尿量减少,双下肢水肿。遂来我院进一步治疗。病人年轻时曾有“风湿性关节炎”病史。已婚,有二儿一女,配偶及子女均体健,家庭关系融洽,经济状况良好,病人性格随和,积极配合治疗。
身体评估体温38.9℃,脉搏88次/分,呼吸20次/分,血压110/65mmHg,身高 160cm,体重55kg。神清合作,半卧位,二尖瓣面容,皮肤轻度黄染,颈静脉怒张。两侧呼吸运动对称,叩诊清音,两肺底闻及湿啰音。心尖搏动位于第5肋间左锁骨中线外2cm处,可触及震颤,心率116次/分,心律不齐,心音强弱不等,可闻及心尖部中底隆隆样舒张期杂音及3/6级吹风样收缩期杂音,胸骨左缘第3肋间轻度哈气样舒张期杂音。肝肋下2指,质中,脾肋下未及。移动性浊音(-),肠鸣音正常。双下肢水肿(++),神经系统检查阴性。











Cultural responses to modernization often manifest themselves in the mass media. For example, Aldous Huxley, in Brave New World, created a fictional world in which he cautioned readers that modern science and technology posed a threat to individual dignity. Charlie Chaplin’s film Modern Times, set in a futuristic manufacturing plant, also told the story of the dehumanizing impact of modernization and machinery. Writers and artists, in their criticisms of the modern world, often point to technology’s ability to alienate people from one another, capitalism’s tendency to foster greed, and government’s inclination to create bureaucracies that oppress rather than help people.

Among the major values of the modern period, four typically manifest themselves in the cultural environment: celebrating the individual, believing in rational order, working efficiently, and rejecting tradition. These values of the modern period were originally embodied in the printing press and later in newspapers and magazines. The print media encouraged the vision of individual writers, publishers, and readers who circulated new ideas. Whereas the premodern period was guided by p beliefs in a natural or divine order, becoming modern meant elevating individual self-expression to a central position. Along with democratic breakthroughs, however, individualism and the Industrial Revolution triggered modern forms of hierarchy, in which certain individuals and groups achieved higher standing in the social order. For example, those who managed commercial enterprises gained more control over the economic ladder, while an intellectual class of modern experts, who mastered specialized realms of knowledge, gained increasing power over the nation’s social, political, and cultural agendas.

To be modern also meant to value the capacity of organized, scientific minds to solve problems efficiently. Progressive thinkers maintained that the printing press, the telegraph, and the railroad in combination with a scientific attitude would foster a new type of informed society. At the core of this society, the printed mass media, particularly newspapers, would educate the citizenry, helping to build and maintain an organized social framework. Journalists strove for the premodern ideal through a more fact-based and efficient approach to reporting. They discarded decorative writing and championed a lean look. Modern front-page news de-emphasized description, commentary, and historical context. The lead sentences that reported a presidential press conference began to look similar, whether they were on the front page in Tupelo, Mississippi, or Wahpeton, North Dakota. Just as modern architecture made many American skylines look alike, the front pages of newspapers began to resemble one another.

Finally, to be modern meant to throw off the rigid rules of the past, to break with tradition. Modern journalism became captivated by timely and immediate events. As a result, the more standardized forms of front-page journalism, on the one hand, championed facts and current events while efficiently meeting deadlines. But on the other hand, modern newspapers often failed to take a historical perspective or to analyze sufficiently the ideas underlying these events.

Modern journalistic reporting emphasizes()

A. analysis

B. context

C. facts

D. description
