语法填空(共10小题;每小题l 5分.满分l5分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的



语法填空(共10小题;每小题l 5分.满分l5分)


The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival _小题1:________ (mark) by eating zong zi and racing dragon boats in honour of Qu Yuan, who is said to have committed suicide(自杀) by drowning himself.

Qu was a minister of the State of Chu ____小题2:___ (situate) in the present-day Hunan and Hubei provinces, during the Warring States Period(战国时期). He was upright, loyal and highly respected. ____小题3:__, he was dismissed from office. __小题4:____ (realize) that the country was in the hands of evil officials, Qu leapt into River Miluo on the fifth day of the fifth month. Nearby fishermen rushed over to save him but were ___小题5:____ (able) to recover his body.

The people of Chu __小题6:___ mourned Qu’s death threw rice into the river to feed his ghost ___小题7:___ year on the day of his death. But one year, the spirit of Qu appeared and told the mourners that a huge reptile(爬行动物)in the river had stolen the rice. The spirit then advised __小题8:_____ to wrap the rice and bind it _小题9:____ throwing it into the river.

During the Duanwu Festival, zong zi is eaten to symbolize(象征,表示) the rice offerings to Qu. And the dragon-boat races symbolize __小题10:_____ many attempts to rescue and recover Qu's body.



     It's Jimmy's birthday and he is 9 years old. He gets a lot of presents from his family and

one of them is a big drum( 鼓 ). His grandfather buys it for him.

     Jimmy likes it very much. He plays with it every day and he often makes a terrible noise

(可怕的声音). His father works in the day and Jimmy is in bed when he gets home in the

evening. So his father doesn't hear the noise.

     But Mrs. Black doesn't like the noise, so one morning she takes a sharp knife and goes

to Jimmy's room when he hits his drum. She says to him, "Hello! Jimmy. Do you know there

is something very nice in your drum? Here is a knife. Please open the drum and let's find it."

1.What does Jimmy get on his birthday?

A. He gets only one present from his family.    

B. He gets a lot of presents.    

C. He gets a knife and a drum.    

D. He gets a drum from Mrs Black.

2.Who gives Jimmy a drum?  

A. His mother buys it for him.          

B. His father buys it for him.

C. His father's friend buys it for him.    

D. His grandfather buys it for him.

3.When his father gets home in the evening, what does Jimmy do?

A. He hits his drum with his grandfather.  

B. He watches TV with Mrs Black.  

C. He sleeps in bed.  

D. He does his homework with his grandfather.

4.What's the Chinese meaning of "hits" in this passage?

A. 敲击            

B. 拿着  

C. 知道        

D. 看见

5.Mrs. Black gives Jimmy a knife because_____.

A. she likes Jimmy's drum

B. she knows there is something in the drum

C. she doesn't like the noise                  

D. she wants to know what is in the drum


----Why is the man standing at the door of the restaurant all the time?

----He is waiting for anyone who will ______him some money or food.






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