大青龙汤证烦躁的原因是() A.阳热内郁,内扰心神 B.无形邪热,内扰心神 C.太阳

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题








题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


1. She is eating dinner, but the phone is           (ring).

2. Now he's           (write) his name.

3. The dog is           (run)

4. I            (have)  a very funny day yesterday.

5. The            (pig) are sleeping.

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题
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题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

Little Mark is only 6, but he has an IQ of 200, a genius among geniuses. But his intelligence comes at a cost. His parents must keep him intellectually simulated(启发)while making sure he is like any other little boy.

Mark has been attracted by the way how the world works since he was a baby. When he was 3, Mark was reading fluently, mostly self-taught. His parents haven't been able to keep him away from books since.

"I tried many times to stop him reading. We worry about his crazy fond of reading because he constantly wants to read every-thing whatever it is.”

A psychologist at the Centre for gifted children tested Mark and gave him an IQ of 200. The average child of Mark's age has an IQ of 100. At 200, Mark is a genius-even compared with other child geniuses.

"With children like Mark you can tell that's a bright child as soon as they walk in. They just have this sort of intensity, and maybe they're not so good at communicating with people," the psychologist said. "He will never fit perfectly into a class where he's with children of his age.”But Mark's mother worries about the "socially isolated" labels. "Nobody wants their child to grow up with that image. I want him to communicate with others freely, but not to be frustrated academically, so it's really hard to find a balance," she says.

Helen Dudeney from the Talented and Gifted Children Association says Mark is one in a million with such a high IQ. She points out that geniuses are still rare and difficult for the public education system to handle. "The lack of coping comes because teachers aren't trained in teaching gifted children," says Dudeney.

Helen believes it's also extremely important for them to be recognized and supported in their talents. Mark's parents are trying to figure out how best to help Mark. At the moment, there are few options. Mark finds first year work boring and simple, but he must learn to complete the work. His mother says, "We just want to be happy. Just to have a happy childhood and want to go to school every day.”

小题1:By saying "But his intelligence comes at a cost. ",the author means that        

A.Mark must pay for his intelligence at a high price

B.Mark's intelligence brings him negative effects at the same time

C.Mark's intelligence results from his parents

D.Mark's parents make Mark clever at all costs小题2:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?      

A.Mark's parents are very satisfied with his love for reading.

B.Mark began to teach himself reading at the age of 3.

C.Many child geniuses are not good at communicating with others.

D.It is hard for parents to bring up a genius.小题3:If there are 6. 6 billion people in the world, the number of geniuses with an IQ of 200 will be


A.about 4,400

B.about 5,500

C.about 6,600

D.about 7,700小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?        

A.A genius' craziness for books

B.The life of the genius' parents

C.The burden of being gifted

D.The characteristics of Mark

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

某市工艺美术厂采购员刘衫,2002年3月20日外出联系业务一直未归,直至2007年仍无音讯。5年来,刘衫的妻子马芳和刘衫的父母以及工艺美术厂多方寻找均无结果。由于刘衫是因公外出下落不明的,工艺美术厂按月将刘的工资发给刘妻马芳。至2007年,刘衫下落不明已达5年,工艺美术厂准备申请人民法院宣告刘衫死亡,给其亲属一次性抚恤金,从而结束目前这种状态。刘衫的父母则认为不能直接申请宣告刘衫死亡,应该先申请宣告失踪。工艺美术厂认为自己有权申请,即向法院提出申请,但遭法院裁决驳回。2007年5月,刘衫的妻子未经刘衫父母同意直接向人民法院申请宣告死亡,人民法院受理了刘衫妻子的申请,于2007年7月15日发布公告,2008年7月25日法院作出判决宣告刘衫死亡。刘衫的财产被分给马芳和他的父母。马芳不久便改嫁他人,不料刚结婚半个月,马芳的丈夫便在一次车祸中丧生。2008年 11月,刘衫从外地回到家里。原来刘衫出差到外地,受他人怂恿,用公款做起了买卖,不料买卖赔了,公款一文不剩。刘衫无脸回家,又怕承担刑事责任,于是在外待了5年。后来终于思家心切,便回来了。刘衫回家后得知一切,便首先提出要与马芳恢复夫妻关系。马芳不同意与刘衫复婚。刘衫诉至法院,要求与马芳复婚,并返还其原有财产。

