可能与持续感染发生有关的因素是() A.病毒抗原性弱,机体难以产生免疫 B.机体免疫

题型:多项选择题 X型题








题型:多项选择题 X型题


题型:多项选择题 X型题

“中医最大的危机是后继无人。也许不出50年,中医不需要被别人取消,就会自动退出历史舞台。”这是一位老中医的______。此语并非______,而是点中了中医人才培养的要害。 填入横线处最恰当的一项是( )。

A.感叹 危言危行

B.感慨 故弄玄虚

C.感叹 骇人听闻

D.感慨 危言耸听

题型:多项选择题 X型题


     Tom Whittaker, born in England in 1949, is an amazing example of a Can Do person. The

young man came to the United States in 1975, where he studied for a Master's in Arts. Although

studying took up much of his time, he traveled throughout the US and Canada climbing many

different types of rock walls. Thus, he made friends with many people with the same interest.

     However, on Thanksgiving Day in 1979, a car driven by a drunk driver lost control and

suddenly turned into his lane(车道), striking the head of his vehicle. The injuries to both of his

legs and feet resulted in the removal of one of his kneecaps(膝盖骨), and the amputation(截去

)of his right foot.

     It wasn't easy, but after some time, with great effort and strong will, Tom rebuilt his hope

for life. The report of his story moved the whole nation of America. Eventually he earned another

master's degree and founded the Cooperative Wilderness Handicapped Outdoor Group. This

program's success sent Tom around the world to spread his message that "it is not the falling

down, but the getting back up that matters". He became a professor in Adventure Education

at Prescott College in Arizona, where he taught the top outdoor leadership program in the nation.

     After 25 years of experience as a mountaineer, on May 27, 1998, Tom achieved his greatest

accomplishment so far:reaching the peak of Mt. Everest. Tom was actually the first person with

a disability to ever climb and stand on the peak of Mt. Everest. He realized that reaching the peak

of Mt. Everest could do nothing to change his disability, but it could do a lot to change attitudes.

Tom Whittaker wanted people to realize that disability is as much an attitude as it is a condition.

1.For what did Tom Whittaker go to the US?

A.To improve his climbing skills.

B.To take his master's degree.

C.To become a professional mountaineer.

D.To meet other mountaineers in the US.

2.What led to the accident that caused Tom Whittaker's disability?

A.That his car was out of control.

B.That he was driving on a wrong lane.

C.That a drunk driver ran his car into Tom's.

D.That he got drunk on Thanksgiving Day.

3.When did Tom become a mountaineer?

A.Shortly before he reached the peak of Mt. Everest.

B.Two years before he went to the US.

C.Shortly after he arrived in the US.

D.After he recovered from the car accident.

4.From the passage,we know that________.

A.the disability once made Tom feel hopeless

B.physical disability often determines a person's fate

C.disabled people are more determined than healthy people

D.few disabled people have an interest in climbing mountains

题型:多项选择题 X型题

关于豆类脂肪,下列说法错误的是( )


题型:多项选择题 X型题


