
题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题

In terms of tourism .Ohio is a place full of natural beauty and many vacation spots worth Visiting .

Coney island-Fun Unlimited !

Coney Island is an amusement park situated in the city of Cincinnati. It has the world's largest recirculating pool . several diving hoards .and an "in pool"  slide. For basketball and vol- leyhall lovers . there are special courts available. Apart from this . the park is equipped with 22 classic family and kiddie rides .boating facilities . a golf course . etc  Other amusement parks in Ohio include Erieview Park .The Beach Waterpark . Memphis Kiddie Park .etc.

Columbus-The Headquarters!

Anyhow, your journey would start from Columbus . the capital city of the state ! So spend some quality time roaming around in this beautiful city. Nightclubs . high quality restaurants .and   Rock and Roll Hall of Fame-For Music Lovers !

If you are a die-hard music lover. then certainly this place wouldn't disappoint you ! Rock   and Roll Hall of Fame was opened somewhere around in 1995 .with an intention of celebrating  the spirit of rock and roll music .and also studying it. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame offers exhibitions .music events . and also training programs on the subject. This is a perfect stop for every-thing on rock and roll music !

Cleveland-High Class Experience !

One of the oldest cities. Cleveland ranks among the top 20 metros of the United States .With Lake Erie serving as the most popular tourist attraction .Cleveland is also famous for land  marks such as Cavaliers   Gund Arena , Playhouse Square and Indians' Jacobs Field. Moreover.  vibrant nightlife , clubs , restaurants ;large hotels and shopping festivals add co the touristic significance of this place.

Lake Erie-The Perfect Holiday !

With nearly 900 miles of shoreline .Lake Erie is one place you have to visit. You can enjooy  numerous activities like fishing. swimming. boating . etc. It is also perfect for having a family picnic outing. One can even take a ferry to Kelleys Island where things like cycling and miniature golf can be enjoyed. Besides .it is the perfect place for those who are looking for some quiet  and relaxing time.

小题1:According to the passage a basketball lover is most likely to go to _______.

A.Coney Island



D.Kelleys Island小题2:What can we learn about Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?

A.It was open to the public in 1990.

B.It is an attraction for music lovers.

C.It offers some shopping festivals.

D.It provides a golf course for visitors小题3:Which of the following is true about Jake Erie?

A.It lies in the city of Cincinnati.

B.It has over 900 miles of shoreline.

C.It is the most popular scenic spot in Cleveland.

D.Tourists can play miniature golf on its banks for free.

题型:问答题 简答题


材料一 恩格斯在《反杜林论》中指出:“这种历史情况也决定了社会主义创始人的观点。不成熟的理论是和不成熟的资本主义状况、不成熟的阶级状况相适应的。”

材料二 如图是1909年法国雕塑家沃蒂耶在贝尔?拉雪兹公墓创作的一座浮雕作品。一位袒胸身着长裙的妇女,中弹后仰,像神圣的天使般深情地张开双臂,像慈祥的母亲悲痛欲绝地拼死庇护着身后若隐若现的受难者,墙面上弹痕累累。雕塑下面刻有雨果名言:“我们所要企求于未来的是公正,而不是复仇。”雕塑取名为《献给历次革命受难者墙》。有人解释说,这位母亲护卫的人群正是巴黎公社社员,她体现了法国母亲无私的爱。于是,人们怀着崇敬的心情把它称作“公社社员墙”。但令人奇怪的是,当这座浮雕揭幕以后,当时幸存下来的巴黎公社社员都一致否认它是“公社社员墙”,也从不去那里拜谒献花。


材料三 《 * * 党宣言》指出:无产阶级将利用自己的政治统治,一步一步地夺取资产阶级的全部资本,把一切生产工具集中在国家即组织成为统治阶级的无产阶级手里,并且尽可能地增加生产力的总量。





(3)简述苏俄(苏联)(1917~1936)和新中国建立初期 * * 党人是如何“一步一步地夺取资产阶级的全部资本”的?


题型:问答题 简答题






题型:问答题 简答题

( )不是侵犯的构成因素。





题型:问答题 简答题





