一块手表295元,一台电扇216元,一辆自行车568元,一部电话293元。 (1














When I was eight, my parents, my younger brother, Stewart, and a girl called Margo Edwards, who was at school with us, went on holiday to Mozambique. One day, we took out a small rowing boat with an outboard motor on it, and went fishing on a lagoon at a place called San Martina.
Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, there was this disturbance in the water. I remember at first everyone thought it was a dolphin, but it wasn't leaping in and out of the water, and before long we could see this grey fin moving purposefully towards us.
It then circled around our rowing boat, and I remember my father saying: 'Well, I think that's a shark . . .'
My mother was screaming, and father was shouting obscenities at this thing, which he was to bash (痛击) back with one of the oars. I had never seen my parents in obvious terror before, and that's something which never leaves you.
My mother clutched the three of us around her. I remember she had a navy blue robe, with huge starfishes and sunflowers on it, and us three kids gratefully huddled together inside it.
As soon as we were in the fishing boat there was this almost hysterical laughter, and I remember feeling very cold, and being unable to stop trembling.
We all talked about it continually, too, and probably made out we were far braver than we were. And there was lots of re-enactment(表演). I remember that we made mud pools. One of us would be crawling along, playing the shark, and the others screaming and shouting: 'Kill the shark'.
A.For the longest time this thing kept circling around us, and hitting our rowing boat, while Dad continued fighting it off, stabbing at it with his oar, which was probably the worst thing to have done because it must have made the beast even angrier than it already was.
B.Our story went back to the town. It spread like wildfire. Everybody knew about it, and people talked about it endlessly. My father was regarded as a bit of a hero: Dad the sharkbasher. If he'd caught the thing, then I suppose he would have been completely heroic.
C.The shark became a legend in the town and there were many local fishermen who claimed to have seen it moving around the bay. But despite all the stories of sightings, nobody ever managed to catch the thing.
D.It was early evening when the motor stopped, and we were stranded (搁浅). We started to shout in the hope that somebody would hear us; we knew the sound could travel because of the water being very flat and calm.
E. Eventually, people in a fishing boat heard us screaming, and came alongside, and a fisherman tied our boat up to his. He was very careful, or he seemed to be, and he and my father handed first us kids, and then mother, through to his boat, and our rowing boat was towed behind.
F. This monster started bashing our boat, which began rocking from side to side. We were just terrified because the boat was by now rocking so much we thought we were going to be tipped into the water and bitten up by this thing. I remember assuming that we were going to die.

“在中国长达数千年的历史中,曾有过三次……大革命:第一次发生于公元前221年,它结束了领主封建制,创立了实行中央集权制的帝国;第二次发生于1911年,它结束了帝国,建立了民国;第三次发生于1949年,它创建了 * * 党领导的 * * 。”


材料一 郡县之制垂二千年而弗能改矣,合古今上下皆安之……秦之所灭者六国耳,非尽灭三代之所封也。则分之为郡,分之为县,俾才可以长民者皆居民上……为天下计,则(郡县制)害不如封建制滋也多矣。


材料二 郡县之失,其专在上……今之君人者,尽四海之内为我郡县犹不足也,人人而疑之,事事而制之。



材料三 中国的资本主义近代工业,从19世纪70年代开始到1911年四十多年,投资万元以上的厂矿约700多个,资本总额仅1.3亿元左右,而1912年至1919年八年间,建成厂矿470多个,投资9500万元,加上原有企业的扩建,新增资本达1.3亿元以上,八年超过了过去的40多年。


材料四  1915年,袁世凯公开复辟帝制,遭到全国人民的强烈反对,83天后,被迫取消帝制。1917年,军阀张勋拥戴清朝废帝溥仪登基,在全国人民的怒斥声中,12天后复辟丑剧就草草收场。                     



材料六 “这十三年来,政治上、社会上种种黑暗腐败,比前清更甚,人民困苦,日甚一日,……俄国虽迟我革命,而已成功;我虽早六年革命,而仍失败。”

——1924年1月 孙中山《国民党改组问题》



材料七 盖国民为一国之主,为统治权之所出。 一国之政事,悉以宪法行之。   


材料八 “法治”的本质不是“治民”,而是“民治”,是人民当家作主治理国家、行使民主权利的形式和保障;应当把法律看成是人民自己创造出来用来规范自己行为、保障自己权益的社会公约,是维护自己合法权利的工具,它具有至上的权威。







