读七大洲图,完成下列各问:(6分) (1)世界上最大的大洲是洲,它主体位于(南




(1)世界上最大的大洲是     洲,它主体位于    (南、北半球)半球。

(2)各大洲中跨纬度最大的是         洲,跨经度最大的是        洲。

(3)各大洲中人口最多的是       洲,自然增长率最高的是        洲。


当采取集团束配置多根无粘结预应力筋时,各根筋铺设应保持平行走向,防止相互扭绞;束之间的水平净间距不宜小于40mm。( )



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     Barack Obama was born in Hawaii with a Kenyan father and an American mother. His father, Barack

Obama Sir, married his mother, Ann Dunbar, while studying at the University of Hawaii. The couple

separated two years after Obama was born. His father ultimately returned to Kenya, where he became a

noted economist. He died in a car accident in 1982.

     Obama's mother's second marriage was to an Indonesian man named Lolo Soetoro. The family moved

to Indonesia and Obama remained there until he was 10 when he moved back to Hawaii and lived with his

grandparents, while studying on a scholarship at the elite Punahou Academy.

     He has seven half-brothers and sisters in Kenya from his father's other marriages, and a half-sister,

Maya Soetoro-Ng, from his mother's second marriage.

     After finishing college in 1983, Obama worked for a New York financial consultant and a consumer

organization. He landed a job in Chicago in 1985 as an organizer for Developing Communities Project, a

church-based group seeking to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods.

     Three years later, Obama went to Harvard Law School, where he became the first black president of

the law review. He worked as a summer associate at the Sidley Austin law firm in Chicago, where he met

his future wife. After graduation from Harvard in 1991, Obama practiced civil rights law at a small firm

in Chicago. He became a lecture in constitutional law at the University of Chicago in 1993.

     Obama won a seat in the Illiao state Senate in 1996. During this time in the legislature he worked on

welfare and ethics legislation, as well as a measure requiring electronic recording of police interrogations

and confessions in homicide investigations.

     Obama won a heavily contested US Senate seat in 2004, carrying 53 percent of the Democratic primary

vote in an eight-candidate race. He easily won the general election, In the Senate he compiled (编辑) a liberal

voting record, but was one of the few Democrats to back a measure on class-action lawsuits. He opposed

the appointment of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito to the US Supreme Court.

     The nonpartisan (无党派的) National Journal ranked him as the most liberal member of the Senate early

this year, based on his voting record in 2007. He was ranked 10th most liberal in 2006 and 16th most liberal

in 2005.

1. What happened to Obama when he was a child?

A. His father died in a car accident

B. His mother married a Kenyan father

C. His parents separated and his mother remarried an Indonesian man

D. He studied at the University of Hawaii

2. In which year did Obama go to Harvard Law School?

A. In 1983

B. In 1985

C. In 1988

D. In 1991

3. Which of the following sentences in right?

A. His mother was divorced from his father when he was two years old

B. Obama moved back to Hawaii and lived with his grandparents until he was 10

C. The nonpartisan (无党派的) National Journal ranked him as the most liberal member of the Senate because

     he won the general election

D. He met his future wife in Chicago while studying on a scholarship at the elite Punahou Academy

4. How many sisters and brothers does Obama have?

A. 7

B. 8

C. 0

D. 9









关于岩石软化性下列叙述正确的是( )。

