强制隔离戒毒场所可以对强制隔离戒毒的对象进行( )。 A.治疗 B.管理 C.保护



强制隔离戒毒场所可以对强制隔离戒毒的对象进行( )。






美国首都华盛顿所在地原是一片荒无人烟的灌木丛林。联邦政府机构位于城市中心,国会大厦建在全城最高点“国会山”上,在其两侧分别是总统府和联邦最高法院。以建都时各州名称命名的15条大道由内向外辐射,覆盖全城。华盛顿的建筑规划体现的美国政治文化是[ ]












不属于工程项目人力资源管理基本内容的是( )。






伍清是A市F区人,于1997年与A市H区人王红登记结婚,二人婚后居住在A市Z区。 2000年3月,王红因盗窃罪被判处有期徒刑5年,在A市W区服刑。2002年6月,伍清以感情不和为由起诉离婚。二人没有子女。一审法院受理后,经审理判决双方离婚,并对夫妻共同财产进行了分配。王红收到离婚判决书后,在法定期限内向A市中级人民法院提出了上诉,对财产分配判决不服;并提出伍清占有一套属于她的名贵瓷器,该瓷器是王红祖父指名赠与她的,要求伍清归还。A市中院经审查受理了王红的上诉请求。根据上述情况,请回答以下问题:







[A] Fist convention of Comite Maritime International

[B] The convention having been revised three times

[C] Why is unification of maritime law necessary

[D] The convention with the most signature states.

[E] Incompatible time scale

[F] The salvage convention

According to Constitution: "The Comite Maritime International (CMI) is a non- governmental international organization, the object of which is to contribute by all appropriate means and activities to the unification of maritime law in all its aspects. To this end it shall promote the establishment of national associations of maritime law and shall cooperate with other international organizations. "The CMI has been doing just that since 1897.

41. ______

In an address to the University of Turin in 1860, the Jurist Mancini said: "The sea with its winds, its storms and its dangers never changes and this. demands a necessary uniformity of juridical regime. " In other words, those involved in the world of maritime trade need to know that wherever they trade the applicable law will, by and large, be the same. Traditionally, uniformity is achieved by means of international conventions or other forms of agreement negotiated between governments and enforced domestically by those same governments.

42. ______

It is tempting to measure the success of a convention on a strictly numerical basis. If that is the proper criterion of success, one could say that one of the most successful conventions ever produced was the very first CMI convention--the Collision Convention of 1910. The terms of this convention were agreed on September 23, 1910 and the convention entered into force less than three years later, on March 1, 1913.

43. ______ Almost as successful, in numerical terms, is a convention of similar vintage, namely the Salvage Convention of 1910. Less than three years elapsed between agreement of the text at the Brussels Diplomatic Conference and entry into force on March 1, 1913. we are, quite properly, starting to see a number of denunciations of this convention, as countries adopt the new salvage Convention of 1989. It is worth recording that the Salvage Convention of 1989, designed to replace the 1910 Convention, did not enter into force until July 1996, more than seven years after agreement. The latest information available is that forty States have now ratified or acceded to the 1989 convention.

44. ______

The text of the first Limitation Convention was agreed at the Brussels Diplomatic Conference in August 1924, but did not enter into force until 1931-seven years after the text had been agreed. This convention was not widely supported, and eventually attracted only fifteen ratifications or accessions. The CMI had a second go at limitation with its 1957 Convention, the text of which was agreed in October of that year. It entered into force in May 1968 and has been ratified or acceded to by fifty-one states, though of course a number have subsequently denounced this convention in order to embrace the third CMI Limitation Convention, that of 1976. At the latest count the 76 Convention has been ratified or acceded to by thirty-seven states. The fourth instrument on limitation, namely the 1996 Protocol, has not yet come into force, despite the passage of six years since the Diplomatic Conference at which the text of the was agreed.

45. ______

By almost any standard of measurement, the most successful maritime law convention of all time: the Civil Liability Convention of 1969. The text of that convention ( to which the CMI contributed both in background research and drafting ) was agreed at a Diplomatic Conference in 1969 and it entered into force six years later, in June 1975. The convention has, at various stages, been acceded to or ratified by 103 states (with two additional "provisional" ratifications). If we add to this the various states and dependencies that come in under the UK umbrella, we realize that we are looking at a hugely successful convention.

Conventions and other unifying instruments are born in adversity, An area of law may come under review because one or two states have been confronted by a maritime legal problem that has affected them directly. Those sponsoring states may well spend some time reviewing the problem and producing the first draft of an instrument. Eventually, this draft may be offered to the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) Legal Committee for inclusion in its work program. Over ensuing years (the Legal Committee meeting every sic months or so), issues presented by the draft will be debated, new issues will be raised, and the instrument will be endlessly re-drafted. At some stage, the view will be taken that the instrument is sufficiently mature to warrant a Diplomatic Conference at which the text will be finalized. If the instrument is approved at the Diplomatic Conference, it will sit for twelve months awaiting signature and then be open to ratification and accession. The instrument will contain an entry into force requirement, which will need to be satisfied.

