
题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题

---May I go to the cinema this evening?

---____. We should do the voluntary work in the nursing house.

A.Take it easy

B.Forget it

C.Don’t mention it

D.Couldn’t agree more

题型:问答题 简答题








题型:问答题 简答题

Barditch High School decided to hold an All-School Reunion. Over 450 people came to the event. There were tours of the old school building and a picnic at Confederate Park. Several former teachers were on hands to tell stories about the old days. Ms. Mabel Yates, the English teacher for fifty years, was wheeled to the Park.

Some eyes rolled and there were a few low groans(嘟囔声)when Ms.Yates was about to speak. Many started looking at their watches and coming up with excuses to be anywhere instead of preparing to listen to a lecture from an old woman who had few kind words for her students and made them work harder than all the other teachers combined.

Then Ms. Yates started to speak:

“I can’t tell you how pleased I am to be here. I haven’t seen many of you since your graduation, but I have followed your careers and enjoyed your victories as well as crying for your tragedies. I have a large collection of newspaper photographs of my students. Although I haven’t appeared in person, I have attended your college graduations, weddings and even the birth your children, in my imagination.”

Ms. Yates paused and started crying a bit. Then she continued:

“It was my belief that if I pushed you as hard as I could, some of you would succeed to please me and others would succeed to annoy me. Regardless of our motives, I can see that you have all been successful in you chosen path.”

“There is no greater comfort for an educator than to see the end result of his or her years of work. You have all been a great source of pleasure and pride for me and I want you to know I love you all from the bottom of my heart.”

There was a silence over the crowd for a few seconds and then someone started clapping. The clapping turned into cheering, then into a deafening roar(呼喊). Lawyers, truck drivers, bankers and models were rubbing their eyes or crying openly with no shame all because of the words from a long forgotten English teacher from their hometown.

小题1:What activity was organized for the school reunion?

A.Sightseeing in the park.

B.A picnic on the school playground.

C.Telling stories about past events.

D.Graduates’ reports in the old building.小题2:What can be inferred from Paragraph 2? 

A.Some graduates were too busy to listen to Ms. Yates’ speech.

B.Many graduates disliked Ms. Yates’ ways of teaching.

C.Some people got tired from the reunion activities.

D.Most people had little interest in the reunion.小题3:We can learn from Ms. Yates’ speech that she _____________.

A.kept track of her students’ progress

B.gave her students advice on their careers

C.attended her students’ college graduations

D.went to her students’ wedding ceremonies小题4:What was Ms.Yates’ belief in teaching teenagers?

A.Teachers’ knowledge is the key to students’ achievements.

B.Pressure on students from teachers should be reduced.

C.Hard-pushed students are more likely to succeed.

D.Students’ respect is the best reward for teachers.

题型:问答题 简答题


题型:问答题 简答题

Have you ever wondered whether writing and maintaining your business blog is a waste of time If you have, it probably is. Business blogs are valuable for some companies, but for many blogging takes up time and resources better spent elsewhere. If any of the following statements apply to you, stop posting to your blog (or re-purpose what you would have posted) and start doing something more productive:


You dread writing another post.

Either way, whatever you publish will not represent your business well, so why do it Any time you feel you can’t put your best foot forward, don’t take the step.


Your page views are stagnant.

Unless of course you can accurately identify tangible benefits from that readership.


You can’t quantify your return.

Blogging is like any other investment in time and resources: If you don’t see a return, don’t do it.


Your goal is to provide valuable resources to customers.

Potential customers who gladly read resource pages often run screaming from the same information when it appears on a blog.


Your readers are not your customers.

Building an audience is useful only if the audience contains current and potential customers. Know who is reading your biog. If you can’t be bothered to find out, that’s yet another indication it’s time to stop.

[A] Many business owners say, "I don’t have any numbers to back it up, but I know my blog is paying off." Really How If your blog isn’t sending significant traffic to your website via search engines, isn’t directly generating sales, doesn’t create a community, or creates a community that doesn’t actually

benefit your business, your blog isn’t paying off.

[B] If you aren’t excited by the thought of sitting down to write your next post, you have nothing to say and will once again borrow ideas from another blog, or already realize blogging is a waste of time but won’t admit it.

[C] Great goal. By all means do it. But don’t put how-to information, or useful tips, or non-news information on your blog. Many people are blog-averse because most blogs are terrible, so your blog may automatically get painted with the same brush. If your material is relatively evergreen, create resource pages on your website instead.

[D] When new posts average the same number of page views, and on a monthly basis so does your entire blog, you’ve stalled. Maybe loyal readers keep returning, or maybe you gain some and lose some, but either way not much is happening. A blog with a small stagnant readership is a blog that is a waste of time, at least for business purposes.

[E] Never blog because you think it helps; you have to know. Knowing takes effort. If you’re not willing to put the time you need into tracking and analyzing data, you’re either lazy or afraid to find out you’re wasting your time on your blog. Sometimes quitting is more admirable than staying the course.

[F] This happens more often than you think. For example, a friend is an incredibly successful financial planner. He writes a blog that gets thousands of unique visitors a month. But he writes about topics of interest only to other financial planners. That would be fine if his blog generated media opportunities, or supported a book he plans to write, or helps him network and bring in more business—but it doesn’t.

