下列各组离子在指定溶液中能大量共存的是 A.在含有大量 Fe3+的溶液中:NH4




A.在含有大量 Fe3的溶液中:NH4+、Na、Cl、SCN

B.在加入铝粉能产生氢气的溶液中:NH4、 Fe2+、SO42、NO3


D.能使碘化钾淀粉试纸变蓝的溶液中: Na、NH4、S2、Br


患者男性,24岁,因“工作中不慎被10000V高压电击伤后1小时”来诊。Ⅲ度烧伤面积达8%,创面分布于右腕、右前臂、双足、左侧胸部。查体:意识清,呼吸困难、口唇发绀,经皮血氧饱和度86%~90%,左侧胸前以 * * 为中心胸壁全层坏死,直径35cm,中心处有核桃大小胸壁洞穿,右前臂肿胀明显,右手皮温降低,充血反应变慢,右腕部创面3cm×4cm,部分皮肤坏死、破溃,创周皮肤黄色,呈皮革样,肌腱外露,右前臂尺侧创面4cm×5cm,创面基底黄色,质硬如皮革状。右肩背部、左大腿外侧散在创面,色暗红,散在小水疱,渗出不多。左足2、3、4趾,右足1、2趾色暗紫,皮温降低,充血反应消失,余趾血运良好,双足背动脉可触及搏动。尿少,呈酱油色。胸部X线片:左侧胸腔积液、气胸,肺压缩75%。心电图不正常。











所有的进出口的样品、礼品、非销售的展品,可以免予检验。 ( )


设计表单时,要设定表单窗口的颜色,可使用( )。

A. Caption属性

B. BackColor属性

C. ForeColor属性

D. Color属性


The telecommunications, pharmaceutical, and airline industries all have undergone radical changes in recent years. Pharmaceutical companies, which once sold drugs to the doctors that dispensed them, switched to the solution-selling method and started dealing with health-care companies. And many major airlines consolidated at the same time that low-cost firms like Jet Blue entered the market.

In each of these industries, the game changed, and with new rules came new ways to win. That is the premise of Harvard Business School’s "Changing the Game. Negotiation and Competitive Decision Making." The program, which covers not only deal-making but also topics as diverse as online auctions and strategic partnerships, "is for companies that are going through fundamental change in the way things are done," says Max Bazerman, program chair and professor of business administration at the school.

This is not a program for novices, says Bazerman; most participants have already attended a general negotiation program. In "Changing the Game," participants learn to understand their thought processes regarding negotiation, to compare rational and intuitive decision-making strategies, and to identify common mistakes made by even the most experienced professionals. By focusing on competitive environments, the program draws on some of the most advanced concepts from the emerging areas of behavioral economics, behavioral decision research, and behavioral finance.

Participants engage in simulated negotiations that highlight the tension between creating and assessing value, and learn how to think about both simultaneously. The soup-to-nuts simulations encompass preparation, team building, negotiating, and feedback, as well as the development of a conceptual structure for thinking about negotiations more rationally. Participants then apply that structure in their critiques of several large-scale negotiation cases. Ultimately participants apply their newly-honed analytic skills to their own companies and critique of past negotiations.

Negotiations can take many forms, of course. Bazerman notes that auctions are becoming increasingly common. Thanks to a renewed focus on driving clown costs, auctions have emerged as a valuable way for buyers to exert maximum leverage (although the course offers advice to sellers as well). Here again, coursework focuses both on analysis of case studies and on simulations that give participants a chance to roll up their sleeves and put themselves to the test.

"Max’s approach is more pragmatic than other programs I’ve taken," says Gerry Dully, senior vice president of global marketing and logistics at Methanex, a producer of methanol based in Vancouver. "Looking at my prior experience, I could see what mistakes I made, and I’m more conscious of them now. The course had a profound impact on how I’ve modified my behavior in negotiating situations.

The "Changing the Game" program emphasizes()

A. the training of practical skills

B.theory as well as practical skills

C. decision-making capabilities

D. negotiation in online auctions
