




材料一 这时,一方面,社会经济的发展,各地联系的加强,民族联系的加强“四海之内若一家”,为统一提供必要的社会基础。另一方面。秦国变法比较彻底. * * 巩固,经济发展,国富兵强,在实力对比上较之山东六国有着明显的优势,已经有了进行统一战争的可能性。充分运用这些有利条件.秦王政“奋六世之余烈,振长策而御宇内”。果断地发动大规模的兼并战争。从秦王政十七年(公元前230年)灭韩起,至二十六年(公元前221年)灭齐止,前后只用了十年时间,便“初并天下”,统一了六国。     


材料二 汉武帝在位5 4年,是中国古代统治年代比较长的帝王。汉武帝时代,西汉王朝开始进入全盛时期。汉武帝表现出雄才大略的政治思想和政治实践,在历史上留下了深刻的印迹。在他统治期间,以汉族为主体的统一的多民族国家得到空前的巩固,汉文化的主流形态基本形成。  


材料三 根据工业复兴法,成立了有大银行家、工业家和经济学家参加的全国工业复兴局,由国家监督生产,调节各企业主之间的关系……根据法案还确定由国家调节雇主同工人之间的关系,确定最高工时和最低工资应签订集体合同事宜……(罗斯福新政)为以后美国和其他许多西方国家的资产阶级政府所效法。





(3)材料三反映出罗斯福新政的什么突出特点? (2分)结合所学知识,指出“新政”的作用。(3分)



You want a smart phone, but just how smart do you want it? How about one that can read your mind? Well, that phone may well be on its way...

Justin Rattner, chief researcher at Intel, says that technology has developed to the point that “context-aware computing (情景感知计算)”, an idea that’s been around for twenty years, is becoming more of a reality.

That could lead to a phone that acts as a mind reader in your pocket. But rather than simply collect secrets about you, the device could do things with that information, such as predict what you might do next and make suggestions.

Rattner gave a few examples during his speech at Intel’s developer conference in San Francisco recently.

Among them is a software that Intel worked on with Fodor’s Travel, a traveling website. It learns what types of foods you like to eat and what types of places you like to visit, based on searches you type into the phone or places you searched using GPS (全球定位系统). The software makes similar recommendations when you visit a new city.

Tech companies are already working to predict what people want. Search engine Google, movie-rental service Netflix, and online radio service Pandora try to guess what people want even before they know they want it.

Putting those types of functions together with the other information that phones collect about people could pave the way for even more helpful mobile phones, Rattner said.

A challenge is training computers to look at data from “hard sensors (传感器)” (which measure place, movement, temperature and the like) and combining those findings with data from “soft sensors” (such as calendar appointments and Web browsing history).

For example, your phone could tell that you have just left school and seem to be on your way home—a location it might know from your address book. It could then tell you the best route around traffic.

Rattner added that researchers are even making steps toward the final goal—a computer understanding of thoughts.






