在齐鲁服饰民俗中,人们给故去的亲人做寿衣往往忌讳用()。A、缎子 B、绸子 C、








     Here is the bulletin board of Class 3. Some of the students put their notes on it. Please read them
and answer the following questions.
      I want to say thanks to Miss Li, our dear
teacher. We couldn't  have a wonder-ful class
without you.  
Dear Mr Chen, 
Please accept my best thanks. I have a lot of
fun in your P.E. class.   
     Many thanks to John for helping me with
math for helping me with math homework.    
     I am thankful to Bill for lending me
books. I'll remember to bring mine next
    A thousand thanks to Alex. He always helps
me clean the windows when I'm busy.  
      I'm thankful to know that I have so many
kind  students. I love you all.                            
                                                             Miss Li
1. The Chinese meaning of "bulletin board" is ______.
A. 电影广告    
B. 寻人启事
C. 公告栏      
D. 通缉令
2. According to the notes on the bulletin board, what holiday might be coming?      
A. Christmas        
B. Halloween
C. Thanksgiving      
D. New Year's Day
3. When Julia is busy, what does Alex always help her do?       
A. To do math homework.
B. To clean the windows.
C. To have P. E. class together.
D. To take books to school.
4. From the bulletin board, we know that Mr Chen is a ______.        
A. repeater          
B. P.E. teacher
C. doctor            
D. pilot
5. Why does Bill lend books to Mario?
A. They are classmates.
B. Miss Li wants him to do so.
C. Bill has too many books.


     We have two dogs and offer them good food and a comfortable bed. However, they always try to

run away. One day as I was walking them along the river, Cady broke away from me. I called for her to

return, but she didn't. I got unhappy and didn't run after her.

     That afternoon I picked my daughter up from school and I told her that Cady might be missing. "If she

has done something wrong, I will not be paying her fines this time," I said. My daughter asked for the

reason. I insisted that I would not keep a disobedient (不听话的) dog.

     I took a glance over my daughter. It seemed that the thought of losing the dog was very painful to her.

I think I have given Cady a good living environment. If she is silly enough to leave all that behind, then

"bye-bye" is my attitude.

     In a warm and tender moment that brings tears to my eyes, my daughter said, "Dad, you don't

understand.  Cady is not pretty and not even well trained. If she is missing, no one will adopt her. That

means she will die."

     Then I remembered that the reason why I kept the stray (流浪的) dog in the first place was that we

could not find a home for her and did not want her to be destroyed. My heart softened.

     As we pulled into the driveway, there stood Cady in the backyard with a lovely expression. My

neighbor told me that she was clever enough to find her way back. My daughter jumped with joy.

1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the second paragraph?

A. The author wanted to get rid of the dog on purpose.

B. The author had difficulty getting along with the dog.

C. The owner will be fined if his dog does something wrong.

D. The author was quite worried after the dog lost.

2. What the author's daughter said in the fourth paragraph suggested that       .

A. she was angry with the stupid dog

B. she was quite worried about the dog

C. she was sure the dog would return

D. she wanted to train the dog well

3. What was the author reminded of after hearing his daughter's words?

A. How his daughter loved Cady.

B. When Cady became his friend.

C. Where Cady was trained.

D. Why they adopted Cady.

4. We can infer from the text that       .

A. the author was happy about the dog's return

B. it's the author's job to collect stray dogs

C. the author has no experience in keeping dogs

D. the author didn't want the dog to come back





  恪素刚正。所至,抑豪右,祛 * * 弊。及为巡抚,以所部多王府,持法尤严,宗人多不悦。平乐、义宁二王遂讦恪减禄米、改校尉诸事。勘无验,坐恪入王府误行端礼门,欲以平二王忿。帝知恪无他,而以二王幼,降敕切责,命湖广巡抚韩文与恪易任。吏民罢市,泣送数十里不绝。属吏以羡金赆,挥之去。至则值岐王之国,中使携盐数百艘,抑卖于民,为恪所持阻不行。其党密构于帝。居一岁,中旨改南京工部右侍郎。恪上疏曰:“大臣进用,宜出廷推,未闻有传奉得者。臣生平不敢由他途进,请赐罢黜。”帝慰留,乃拜命。势要家滥索工匠者,悉执不予。十一年考绩入都,得疾,遂致仕,卒。


小题1:对下列句子中加线词的解释,不正确的一项是( )(3分)




D.其党密于帝构:陷害小题2:下列句子中,全都直接表现徐恪刚正的一组是( )(3分)

①中官欲出领抽分厂,恪等疏争     ②恪以道远请输直,上下称便

③徽王府承奉司违制置吏,恪革之   ④户部督逋急,恪以灾变请缓其事

⑤吏民罢市,泣送数十里不绝       ⑥势要家滥索工匠者,悉执不予




D.②④⑤小题3:下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是( )(3分)










