


据重庆市统计局公布的数据,今年一季度全市实现国民生产总值约为7840000万元.那么7840000万元用科学记数法表示为            万元.

     I found out one time that doing a favour for someone could get you into a lot of trouble. I was in the
eighth grade at the time,    1   we were having a final test.    2   the test, the girl sitting next to me    3  
 something, but I didn't    4  .
     So I leaned over her way and found out that she was trying to ask me if I had an extra    5  . She
showed me that hers was out of ink and would not write. I    6   to have an extra one, so I took it out of
my pocket and put it on her desk.   
     Later, after the test papers had been    7  , the teacher asked me to stay in the room when all the other
students were    8  . As soon as we were alone, she began to talk to me about what it meant to    9    up;
she mentioned how important it was to   10   on your own two feet and be responsible (有责任感的) for
your own acts. For a long time, she talked about   11  and emphasized (强调) the fact that when people do
something dishonest (不诚实), they are really   12  themselves. She made me promise that I would think
seriously about all the things she had said, and then she told me I   13  leave. I walked out of the room   14 
 why she had chosen to talk to me about all those things.   
     Later on, I found out that she thought I had   15   on the test. When she saw me lean over to talk to the
girl next to me, it looked as though I was   16  something from the girl's test paper. I tried to explain about
the pen, but all she could say was it seemed really   17  to her that I hadn't mentioned anything about the pen
the day she talked to me right after the test.   18  I tried to explain that I was just doing the girl a   19  by
letting her use my pen, I am sure she   20  to believe that I had cheated (作弊) on the test.
( )1. A. when           
( )2. A. During       
( )3. A. showed       
( )4. A. listen       
(     )5. A. pen        
( )6. A. asked       
( )7. A. marked       
( )8. A. left       
( )9. A. stand       
( )10. A. depend      
( )11. A. tests      
( )12. A. enjoying     
( )13. A. should      
( )14. A. wondering    
( )15. A. lied       
( )16. A. copying     
( )17. A. strange     
( )18. A. Because      
( )19. A. trouble   
( )20. A. insisted     
B. while     
B. After     
B. asked      
B. understand  
B. pencil    
B. happened    
B. finished     
B. disappeared 
B. grow      
B. defend      
B. students         
B. cheating   
B. could     
B. realizing   
B. helped     
B. borrowing    
B. dishonest  
B. If        
B. good     
B. tried     
C. then      
C. Before     
C. whispered   
C. answer     
C. paper     
C. regretted   
C. given out   
C. stopped    
C. bring     
C. stand     
C. friendship      
C. teaching    
C. would     
C. laughing    
C. stolen    
C. asking     
C. sorry     
C. Until     
C. harm     
C. continued   
D. and         
D. For         
D. lost        
D. find        
D. ink bottle  
D. wished      
D. turned in   
D. dismissed   
D. rise        
D. walk        
D. honesty                                  
D. helping     
D. must        
D. believing   
D. cheated     
D. searching   
D. wrong       
D. Although    
D. favour      
D. refused     


Dear Li Lei,

Thank you for your last letter. I’d like to tell you about a good 小题1: f  __  of mine. His name is John. Next week, he will 小题2: v  ___  China, but he knows nothing about the country. Can you 小题3: m  ___  him at the airport?

Look, here is a picture of him. He is tall with short, black hair. He has two 小题4: b  _ ___  eyes. On the day he arrives, he will wear a light blue shirt and white trousers. He doesn’t wear

小题5:g  ____ .

Could you help me? Thank you very much.












在竖直放置的立柱上端有一个电磁铁,通电时,小球被吸在电磁铁上,断电时,小球自由下落,计时装置开始计时.立柱上有可以移动的光电门.当小球经过光电门时,光电计时装置能测出小球从初始位置到这个光电门所 时间t,再用刻度尺测出电磁铁到光电门的距离s.为了探究自由落体的位移s与下落时间t的关系.









