赵丽认为,1千克铁比1千克棉花重。[ ]



赵丽认为,1千克铁比1千克棉花重。[ ]


依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是     (    )

①及至时过境迁,传统文化或者与时俱进,     出新的内容与形式。

②我时常徜徉在中国古典诗歌的天地里,      耐人寻味的思想。

③只有久居肖邦故园这一带的人才会跟这里的         结下不解之缘。

④一个人年纪大了而又荒唐起来       赊帐的时候,他决不赊格斯拉兄弟俩的账。  







     Danica Patrick doesn't let anything stop her.When she's in her race car, she flies.In the spring of

2008, she became the first woman to win an event in the Indy Racing League.

     Patrick wasn't the only woman to race into the record books.Women around the country created

important firsts.

     Hillary Clinton set her sights on the White House.In 2008, she was the first woman to be a

presidential candidate.Now she is the U. S.Secretary of State.

     Michelle Obama had her own wonderful first.The former lawyer became the country's first African

American First Lady.Her husband, Barack Obama, was elected President on November 4, 2008.

     Peggy Whitson's recent achievement was out_of_this_world.The astronaut was the first woman to

command the International Space Station.She finished her job on the floating lab in April, 2008.

     Ann Dunwoody also had a "major" achievement.In November, 2008, she became the first female

fourstar general in the U. S.military.That is the second-highest rank in the U. S.Army.

     The achievements of those and other women can encourage girls."I've heard from moms and dads

who see my achievement as hope for their daughters,  " Dunwoody says, "Anything is possible through

hard work."

     Danica Patrick and the other women didn't get to where they are alone.Here's a look at some of the

women who helped make their achievements possible.

     Martha Washington was the country's first First Lady.Her husband, George Washington, was

President from 1789 to 1797.

     Marie Ruoff Byrum was the first woman to cast a ballot(投票) after U. S.women were given the

right to vote in elections in 1920.

    Janet Guthrie became the first woman to enter a major car race in 1977.She was placed ninth in the

Indianapolis 500 race in 1978.

     The Women's Army Corps became part of the U. S.Army in 1943.More than 17,000 women served

overseas during World War Ⅱ.

     Sally Ride became the first U. S.woman in space in 1983.Her two space shuttle experiences lasted

about 343 hours.

1. Who had been a lawyer according to the passage?

A. Danica Patrick.  

B. Michelle Obama.

C. Marie Ruoff Byrum.  

D. Sally Ride.

2. The underlined phrase "out of this world" in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by ________.

A. extremely wonderful

B. unknown to the world

C. kept secret

D. not true

3. According to the passage, Dunwoody ________.

A. has high hopes for her daughters

B. had been involved in World War Ⅱ

C. was the first female general in U. S.military history

D. considers hard work an important factor of success

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Sally Ride had worked in the International Space Station.

B. Hillary Clinton was the first woman to be the U. S.Secretary of State.

C. Janet Guthrie was the champion in the Indianapolis 500 race in 1978.

D. U.S.women didn't have the right to vote in elections in the 19th century.


建设工程监理具有( ),是从它的业务性质方面定性的。












