下列符号既可表示某元素,又可表示一个原子,还可以表示某物质的是( ) A、H;B



下列符号既可表示某元素,又可表示一个原子,还可以表示某物质的是(  )




1. Since 1965, the m_________ leaf has been the centerpiece of the National Flag of Canada.

2. When the white liquid was m ________ with water, it became blue at once.

3. Wal-Mart has many chain stores all over the world and you may find one w______ a short

walk along a busy street in any big city.

4. There are seven c ______ in the world, of which Asia is the largest.

5. There are many tall trees in our city, some m ________ over 20 meters.

6. At daybreak, our ship entered Shanghai __________ ( 海港 ).

7. I like sitting on the top of the hill watching the fields in the ____________ (在远处 ).

8. Some people are t____________( 恐惧的) of heights, so they dare not climb high.

9. The news that there are some people who have died of A/ H1N1 has been ______(确认).

10. Our school lies in the suburbs, and many students like to go _________( 往市区) to buy what they need.



Chinese is spoken by more people than any other language in the world. The Chinese economy is the fastest growing economy in the world. China is developing so quickly that it may be the dominant economic power in the not so distant (遥远的) future.

Today, more and more people are seeing the benefits (好处) of learning the most widely spoken language in the world. Learning Chinese is not only fun and greatly satisfying, but also can create valuable opportunities for students and working professionals in today’s changing world. We offer Chinese language learners a chance to study one-on-one with experienced native Chinese teachers through the Internet, no matter what country they live in.

eChineseLearning provides Chinese language learners an effective (有效的) platform to help them reach their Chinese learning goals in an efficient (效率高的) manner. Our duty is to provide the best Chinese language education service worldwide at an affordable price. We always focus on (集中于) the needs of our customers. And offer them the best language learning experience.

Our management team is made up of members with rich experience in Chinese language instruction from world-famous universities such as Stanford University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, and Beijing Language and Culture University, all working together to create the best possible product and language learning experience.

60.The underlined word “dominant” in the first paragraph probably means “_________”.

A.most interesting                                          B.most important

C.most useful                                                D.most popular

61.eChineseLearning is probably_________.

A.an online Chinese language school                B.an online Chinese language newspaper

C.an online Chinese advertising company         D.an online Chinese trading company

62.All the management members of eChineseLearning are from_________.

A.Chinese universities                                    B.American universities

C.world-famous universities                            D.world-famous companies

63.This passage mainly tells us_________.

A.how to learn Chinese from eChineseLearning

B.why we need to learn Chinese

C.the Chinese economy is growing fastest

D.eChineseLearning can provide good Chinese language training














Private Sub Commandl_Click()
Dim alt(1 To 10)
Fori=1 To 10
arr(i) =i
Next i
For Each i In arr()
arr(i) =arr(i) *2+1
Next i
MsgBox arr(7)
End Sub
