下列属于护理人员排班基本原则的是() A.职务要求明确原则 B.人员结构合理原则 C

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题








题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题
Maria: Did you like to eat candy in the past?
Peter: Yes, I did.
Maria: __1__
Peter: No, I don't. __2__
Maria: Me? I enjoy eating candy all the time. Also, I watched TV a lot before.
Peter: So did I. Did you spend much time in playing computer games?
Maria: Yes, I did. __3__ I used to walk to school. How about you?
Peter: I went to school by bus then. But now I like walking to school, too. __4__
Maria: No, I ride a bike to school every day.__5__
Peter: Of course I did.  
A. Do you walk to school now?
B. Did you ride a bike when you were free?
C. Do you like eating candy now?  
D. What about you?  
E. But now I spend less time playing them.
题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


小题1:信誓旦旦,不思其反。            ,           !《诗经 氓》

小题2:                              ,固前圣之所厚。(屈原《离骚》)

小题3:少无适俗韵                     。陶渊明《归园田居》(其一)

小题4:自其不变者而观之,                         。 (苏轼《赤壁赋》)

小题5:虽无丝竹管弦之盛,           ,                   。王羲之《兰亭集序》

小题6:                    ,齐彭殇为妄作。王羲之《兰亭集序》

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

You can find language pollution whenever you open a newspaper or turn on your TV set, listen to a popular song at various advertisements. Language pollution exists almost everywhere and can be seen in the following places;

1. Chinese character are written in the complex(复杂的)form. Although simplified(简单的) Chinese characters were accepted for use many years ago, it seems that more and more people like Chinese characters written in the complex form.

2. Many goods are produced in China but carry foreign names, which sound strange and have no meaning at all.

3. Words and expressions being used have a bad meaning. “Ba”(霸), which means bully(巨大的)in Chinese, is one example. Now there are a lot of goods, restaurants, even factories or firms, with “Ba” in their names.

4. There are too many incorrect grammatical expressions. Some films have strange names and incorrect grammatical structures(结构). “Ai ni mei shang liang”, which means “I love you without consulting”, is grammatically incorrect and this kind of expression is now becoming popular.

Some language experts point out that language pollution must be done away with, which is an idea shared by many others and myself.

小题1:.The writer of the passage suggests that______.

A.something be done to make our language pure

B.the Chinese language not have the word “Ba”

C.everything have a good name and a good meaning

D.everybody try their best to stop language pollution小题2:. What the writer wants to say is that_______.

A.great difference exists between the Chinese characters written in the complex form and simplified form

B.language used by our newspapers, TV programs, pop songs and advertisements are getting polluted

C.many people agree with the experts on language pollution in China

D.some film writers haven’t studied Chinese grammar小题3:.The underlined expression “done away with” in the last paragraph means______.

A.got away



D.ended小题4:. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.More Attention to Grammar.

B.Experts’ Good Advice.

C.Films with Strange Names.

D.Pollution of our Language.

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

A harmonious society is very important , so all the laws must be strictly ______. [ ]

A. watched            

B. observed              

C. carried            

D. handled

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题




