已知菱形的两条对角线长为12cm和6cm,那么这个菱形的面积为 ______cm



已知菱形的两条对角线长为12cm和6cm,那么这个菱形的面积为 ______cm2








A How to Use a Painting Knife 使用画刀的方法
Painting with a knife is a bit like putting butter on bread and produces quite a (1) result to a brush. Painting knives are excellent for producing textured, impasto work and (2) areas of flat colour.
What’s the difference between a palette knife and a painting knife
A palette knife is a long, straight spatula that is used (3) mixing paints and scraping a palette clean. They’re made from metal, plastic, or wood and (4) either be completely straight or have a slightly bent handle. A painting knife has (5) large crank in the handle, which takes your hand away from the painting surface. They (6) in numerous shapes(for example pear-, diamond-, or trowel-shaped) and are used for painting (7) of a brush. The edge of the knife is blunt, so that it doesn’t cut the (8) .
·What shape of painting knife should I use
Different shaped painting knives produce different effects. For example, a short blade produces angular strokes (9)a long blade makes it easy to put down sweeps of colour.
·Why can’t I use a palette knife to paint with
You can. Painting (10) just have the advantage of coming in more angular shapes and with sharper points. And (11) larger crank in the handle means there’s less chance of rubbing your knuckles into wet (12) . If you’re unsure whether you’re going to enjoy painting with a knife, first buy a (13) , plastic palette knife and experiment a bit with this before upgrading to a wood-and-metal knife.
·How do I use painting knife
(14) the handle firmly so you’re got good control. Pick up some paint off your palette (15) the tip, as you’d pick up some butter with a knife. Use the side of the (16) to spread paint across your canvas, or press it onto the canvas, as you (17) spread butter across a slice of bread.It’ll seem strange at first as it’s quite (18) to using a brush. Using just the tip of the blade will produce small dots. (19) the edge of the knife down will produce fine lines. Pressing the blade flat down (20) the paint will produce ridges. Scrape back into the paint to reveal underlying layers (called sgraffito).


某办公楼的招标人于2000年10月11日向具备承担该项目能力的A、B、C、D、E 5家投标单位发出投标邀请书,其中说明,10月17~18日9:00~16:00时在该招标人总工程师室领取招标文件, 11月8日14:00时为投标截止时间。该5家投标单位均接受邀请,并按规定时间提交了投标文件。但投标单位A在送出投标文件后发现报价估算有较严重的失误,遂赶在投标截止时间前10分钟递交了一份书面声明,撤回已提交的投标文件。开标时,由招标人委托的市公证处人员检查投标文件的密封情况,确认无误后,由工作人员当众拆封。由于投标单位A已撤回投标文件,故招标人宣布有B、C、 D、E4家投标单位投标,并宣读该4家投标单位的投标价格、工期和其他主要内容。 评标委员会委员由招标人直接确定,共由7人组成,其中招标人代表2人,本系统技术专家2人、经济专家1人,外系统技术专家1人、经济专家1人。 在评标过程中,评标委员会要求B、D两投标人分别对其施工方案作详细说明,并对若干技术要点和难点提出问题,要求其提出具体、可靠的实施措施。作为评标委员的招标人代表希望投标单位B再适当考虑一下降低报价的可能性。 按照招标文件中确定的综合评标标准,每个投标人综合得分从高到低的依次顺序为B、D、C、 E,故评标委员会确定投标单位B为中标人。由于投标单位B为外地企业,招标人于11月10日前将中标通知书以挂号方式寄出,投标单位B于11月14日收到中标通知书。由于从报价情况来看,每个投标人的报价从低到高的依次顺序为D、C、B、E,因此,从11月16日至12月11日招标人又与投标单位B就合同价格进行了多次谈判,结果投标单位B将价格降到略低于投标单位C的报价水平,最终双方于12月12日签订了书面合同。 问题:1.从招标投标的性质看,本案例中的要约邀请、要约和承诺的具体表现是什么 2.从所介绍的背景资料来看,在该项目的招标投标程序中在哪些方面不符合《招标投标法》的有关规定请逐一说明。




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