下列所得中,可以暂免征收个人所得税的有( )。 A.外籍个人按照合理标准取得的境外



下列所得中,可以暂免征收个人所得税的有( )。




D.个人取得1万元以下的 * * 中奖所得



Dear Grandma,
       How's it going? I hope that Grandpa is well now. I was sorry to     1    that he had a cold last week. I     2    you are in good health. Things are fine here. I finished my end-of-year exams last week, and got
my    3     card today. I always get nervous     4    I see the envelope from school in the mail, but luckily I     5    OK this time. I had a really hard time with science this semester, and I wasn't surprised to find
that my    6     report was from my science teacher. She said I was lazy, which isn't true. It's just that I
find science really    7    . The good news is that my math teacher said I was hard working. And my
Spanish teacher said my listening was good. Well, that's about all the news I have for now. Mom and Dad
send their love.

( )1. A. see   
( )2. A. like   
( )3. A. post   
( )4. A. when   
( )5. A. was   
( )6. A. worst  
( )7. A. exciting    
B. hear   
B. wish   
B. student 
B. while  
B. did   
B. best    
B. easy          
C. listen    
C. want       
C. report    
C. since   
C. got       
C. longest  
C. interesting    
D. notice       
D. hope         
D. teacher      
D. until        
D. made         
D. shortest                            
D. difficult
       I don't know if the world is really more dangerous now than it was 30 years ago. But I'm sure that it
seems that way. The world is a dangerous place. We want our children to know it,     1    they will stay
safe. But we don't want them to be afraid all of the time. Fear is a     2     feeling. We need fear to keep us
from doing stupid things. But frequent fear is more likely to come down with illness.
       So, what can you do to keep your child safe, without fear?
       First, make your home a safe place. Make it a rule that nobody    3    anybody else in your home, neither
by deed nor by word. When you have to    4    a scary world, it helps to have a fear-free home base.
       Let your kids know that most    5    are well-mannered people. It's possible to be    6    without putting
yourself in danger. I think that the "never talk to strangers"rule often does more harm than good.
       Take steps to help those     7    , and let your children help beside you. By helping others, they'll come
to expect that others will help them if they ever need it.
       As parents, we can't make sure that our children will never come to harm. But we will always do
everything we can to keep them safe, and to make the world safer for all children and people. The experience
of being with others in a neighborhood of    8    and the safety of a peaceful home is what children need to
be able to live without fear in a dangerous world. 
( )1. A. so that 
( )2. A. terrible 
( )3. A. helps  
( )4. A. meet   
( )5. A. parents
( )6. A. friendly 
( )7. A. for money
( )8. A. hoping  
B. even if    
B. strange    
B. tells    
B. face      
B. teachers    
B. lovely      
B. in need  
B knowing  
C. before   
C. possible   
C. hurts    
C. keep    
C. friends   
C. safe       
C. with fear  
C. caring  
D. after    
D. useful     
D. warns     
D. make   
D. strangers                   
D. afraid    
D. on time
D. fighting 

两条对角线互相垂直的四边形是菱形。[ ]






关于对待毛 * * 思想的态度,有下列材料:
凡是毛 * * 做出的决策,我们都坚决维护,凡是毛 * * 的指示,我们都始终不渝地遵循。
有些同志说,我们只拥护‘正确的毛 * * 思想’,而不拥护‘错误的毛 * * 思想’这种说法也是错误的。
——摘自《邓 * * 文选》第二卷
三中全会以后,我们就是恢复毛 * * 的那些正确的东西嘛,就是准确地、完整地学习和运用毛 * * 思想嘛。基本点还是那些,从许多方面来说,现在我们还是把毛 * * 已经提出,但是没有做的事情做起来,把他反对错了的改正过来,把他没有做好的事情做好。今后相当长的时期,还是做这件事。当然,我们也有发展,而且还要继续发展。
——摘自《邓 * * 文选》第二卷
(1)根据材料1指出对待毛 * * 思想的一种态度。
(2)根据材料2指出对待毛 * * 思想的另一种态度。
(4)根据材料3指出对待毛 * * 思想的正确态度是什么
