阅读下列材料: 材料一唐代大诗人李白诗云:“秦王扫六合,虎视何雄哉!飞剑决浮云,




材料一 唐代大诗人李白诗云:“秦王扫六合,虎视何雄哉!飞剑决浮云,诸侯尽西来。”

材料二 丞相(王)绾等言:“诸侯初破,燕、齐、荆地远,不为置王,毋以填之。请立诸子,唯上幸许。”始皇下其议于群臣,群臣皆以为便。廷尉李斯议曰:“周文、武所封子弟同姓甚众,然后属疏远,相攻击如仇雠,诸侯更相诛伐,周天子弗能禁止。今海内赖陛下神灵一统,皆为郡县,诸子功臣以公赋税重赏赐之,甚足易制。天下无异意,则安宁之术也。置诸侯不便。”


材料三 司马迁在《史记》中曾这样形容秦朝的皇帝制度:“法令出一”,“别黑白而定一尊”,“天下之事无小大皆决于上。”




(2)针对材料二中两人的不同争论,这位君主最终采纳了谁的建议?实行了什么措施? (5分)











Right and Wrong

Suppose you work in a library, checking people's books as they leave, and a friend asks you to let him steal a hard-to-find reference book that he wants to own.

You might hesitate (犹豫)to agree for various reasons. You might be afraid that he'll be caught, and that both you and he will then get into trouble. You might want the book to stay in the library so that you can read it yourself.

But you may also think that what he proposes is wrong -- that he shouldn't do it and you shouldn't help him. If you think that , what does it mean, and what, if anything, makes it true?

To say it's wrong is not just to say it's against the rules. There can be bad rules which stop what isn't wrong -- like a company rule against criticizing the boss. A rule can also be bad because it requires something that is wrong -- like a law that looks down upon black people in hotels and restaurants. The ideas of wrong and right are different from the ideas of what is and is not against the rules.

If you think it would be wrong to help your friend steal the book, then you will feel uncomfortable about doing it" in some way you won't want to do it, even if you are also unwilling to refuse to help a friend. Where does the desire not to do it come from? What is its motive (动机)behind it?

There are various ways in which something can be wrong, but in this case, if you had to explain it, you'd probably say that it would be unfair to other users of the library. They may be just as interested in the book as your friend is, but read it in the reference room, where anyone who needs it can find it.

These thoughts have to do with effects on others -- not necessarily effects on their feelings, since they may never find out about it, but some kind of damage. In general, the thought that something is wrong depends on its impact (影响力)not just on the person who does it but on other people.

77.The following may be the reasons why the librarian dos not want to help his friend except that

A.he is afraid that his friend might get into trouble.

B.he himself might get into trouble.

C.he believes it is wrong to help one’s poor friend.

D.he wants to read the book himself.

78.Why does the author give some examples of bad rules?

A.Because those rules are said to be strongly negative(否定).

B.Because he wants to show that rules are not the criteria(标准)for judging right or wrong.

C.Because those rules are made in order to stop what is wrong.

D.Because he wants to support the argument that stealing a book is not a crime.

79.In the sentence “What is its motive(动机)behind it?” (Paragraph 4), “it ” refers to       .

A.the “it ” in the phrase “the desire not to do it”.

B. “the desire” in the phrase “the desire not to do it”.

C.the idea of Paragraph 5.

D.the idea of helping the friend.

80.According to the passage, the author would judge what is wrong                 

A.by what is or is not against the rules.

B.by its impact on other people.

C.by one’s thoughts and feelings towards it.

D.by the kind of damage it does to othes.










