Oh, boy, why are you killing your time t



Oh, boy, why are you killing your time this way? Can’t you find something ________ doing?






At midnight (半夜) Mr. King coughed again. He got up and took some medicine. Before he lay down again, he smoked. And he couldn't go to sleep any longer. He found the medicine book and began to read it. He was afraid he had lung cancer(肺癌). He seemed to see death was waiting for him. Tears (眼泪)ran down his face. He didn’t see his wife was standing by him.

“What’s wrong with you, dear?”asked the woman.

“Nothing,” the old man answered and covered his face with his hands. The old woman opened the book and understood at once. She said, “You must stop smoking right now. ”

“I began to smoke when I was nine, you know. How can I do that?”

“But I think health is more important. ”

Mr. King coughed again and his wife said, “Go to see a doctor tomorrow. He will be able to help you, I think. ”

The doctor told Mr. King to have an X-ray examination(X光检查)of his lungs(肺). And then he looked at the X-ray carefully for a long time.

“Tell me the truth, doctor. ” said Mr. King, “Do you see any shadows (阴影) in my lungs?”

“No, I don’t see anything. ”

“Yes?” the old man said happily. “Really?”

“Yes. Your lungs are turning black. How can I see any shadows?”


小题1:Mr. King got up to cough because he smoked too much.

小题2:Mr. King wasn’t afraid of death.

小题3:The doctor told Mr. King to have an X-ray examination because he wanted to look more carefully at Mr. King’ s lungs.

小题4:The doctor found some shadows in Mr. King’s lungs.

小题5:There was nothing serious with Mr. King.





     England is not a big country: from north to south and from east to west it is only about three hundred

miles across.   But for a small country it has a surprising range of climate.  People who have never visited

England, or who have visited only one part of it, often make the mistake of thinking that it is a cold and

wet country, except for the summer months of June to September.  This is probably true of the north of

England and the Midlands.  In the south, however, the climate is much more pleasant.   One result is that

when people retire from a job in the north they often prefer to move down to the milder south.

      Perhaps the warmest part of the country is thesouthwest, which consists of the countries of Devon and

Cornwall.  The warm Gulf Stream flows across the North Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico and

makes the coastal regions of the southwest quite warm.  Palm trees, bamboo and many semi-tropical

plants grow well in the southwest of England.  Flowers and vegetables ripen as much as a month earlier

than those elsewhere.  Farmers in the area obtain a higher price for their vegetables and flowers because

they are ready earlier.  In winter there may be several feet of snow in other parts of England but there

will probably be no snow at all in the southwest.  This may be one of the reasons why the southwest is

one of England's most popular holiday areas.

1.  The distance from the center of England to south coast is about        

A.  one hundred miles

B.  three hundred miles

C.  one hundred and fifty miles

D.  six hundred miles

2.  England is a country         .  

A.  with a cold and wet climate

B.  with a surprising climate

C.  with a pleasant climate

D.  with a variety of climates

3.  According to the passage        

A.  flowers and vegetables from Devon are on themarket one month earlier

B.  farmers in the southwest grow as many vegetables and flowers as farmers elsewhere

C.  people in the southwest have to pay a higher price for vegetables and flowers

D.  vegetables in Comwall ripen as much as a month earlier than flowers

4. In the north of England and the Midlands,      

A.  it is cold and wet all the year round

B.  the climate is pleasant as a whole

C.  it is warm most of the time in a year

D.  only the summer is not cold and not wet








