函数y=-1x与其反函数的图象的交点坐标不能为( ) A.(-1,1) B.(1,-



与其反函数的图象的交点坐标不能为(  )
     Liu Qian's success can be traced back to his childhood.  Bom in 1976 in Taiwan, Liu Qian found
himself interested in a magic toy in a shop when he was 7 years old.  From then on, there was no stopping
in his feelings for magic.
     His efforts first led him to fame at the age of 12, when he won Taiwan's Youth Magic Contest, which
was judged by world magic master David Copperfield.
     "This win was really meaningful for me.  It encouraged me to carry on my magic show dream.  It
showed me that my efforts could finally lead to success. "
     Liu Qian did not plan on becoming a professional magician at first.  He chose to study Japanese in
Soochow University,  and thought he would go on to work in a company, performing as a magcian in his
spare time.
     However, his failure to find a good job after graduation pushed him to take up magic as a career. He
made up his mind with the encouragement of his parents.
When Liu Qian was7 years oldHe was    1    in a magic toy in a shop. From thenon, there was no
stopping in his feelings for magic.
At the age of    2    He won Taiwan's Youth Magic Contest, which wasjudged by world
magic master David Copperfield.
After the winning of Taiwan's Youth
Magic Contest
Liu Qian knew that his effort could make lead him    3    
The reason    4     he studied Japanese
in the University
Because he wanted to perform as a magician in hisspare time
not a professional magician
The reason why he took up magic as a
Because he wanted to find a good job after
graduation, but he     5    










      Spider webs are one of the most fascinating examples of animal architecture. The most

beautiful and structurally ordered are the round webs. The main function of the web is to stop

and hold flying insects, long enough for the spider to catch them. In order to do so,the threads

of the web have to stand the forces from large and heavy insects as well as environmental forces

from wind and rain for at least a day in most cases.

     The round web is found to have two main characteristics. The first is its geometry,which

consists of an outer frame and a central part from which threads radiate outward. Enclosed in

the frame are capture spirals winding round and round from the web center out to the frame.

The whole web is in tension and held in place by anchor threads,which connect the frame to the

surrounding plants or objects. The second and perhaps most important characteristic is the

material with which it is built. Spider silk is a kind of natural material that gives this lightweight

fiber a strength comparable to that of steel, while at the same time making it very elastic(有弹性的).

Two types of silk threads are used in the web. One is highly elastic and can stretch to almost twice

its original length before breaking and, for most types of spiders,is covered in glue. This type is

used in the capture spiral for catching and holding insects. The other is stiffer and stronger,and is

used for the radius,frames and anchor threads,which allows the web to stand forces and to keep

its structural strength through a wide range of environmental conditions.

l. What does the word"so"in the first paragraph refer to?

A. To catch and keep small creatures.

B. To find a good material for the web.

C. To make the webs beautiful and well ordered.

D. To make the threads long enough.

2. Which of the following is used for catching and holding insects?

A. The center of the web.

B. The capture spirals.

C. The anchor threads.

D. The radius.

3. Which of the following correctly gives the names of the numbered threads in the picture?

A. ①capture spiral ② radius

B. ①radius ② capture spiral

C. ①anchor thread ② frame thread

D. ①frame thread ② anchor thread

4. Which of the following best describes the threads used in the capture spiral?

A. Natural and lightweight.

B. Strong and stiff.

C. Smooth and elastic.

D. Strong,sticky and elastic.

5. What is this passage mainly about?

A. The wisdom of spiders.

B. The function of round spider webs.

C. The structure of round spider webs.

D. The challenges for spider webs.


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