


20世纪初,梁启超曾特意对“中国旧思想、欧洲新思想”作过比较:(中国旧思想)惟君主一人立于法律之外,其余皆受治于法律,一切平等。(欧洲新思想)全国人皆受治于法律,一切平等,虽君主亦不能违公定之国宪。梁启超作此比较的目的是(  )













(2)但在实际实验中,锌片上也有_______________、表面变黑等现象,其原因是_________________。在相同温度下,同样大小的混有碳粒等杂质的锌比纯锌与同浓度同体积的稀硫酸反应的速率_______(选填“要快”、“要慢”、 “相等”、“无法确定”),其微观解释是__________________。


About a year ago, a couple with three children moved into the apartment next door to mine. I never heard any noise from the children, but the parents were always shouting at the kids.

We often met in the hallway when we were coming or going. I always spoke, but the only answer I got was a hello from the four-year-old girl.

One afternoon when I returned, they were just coming out of their apartment and the little girl was holding the door open for the others. I remained in the car doing unnecessary things. But when I looked up I saw the little girl was still holding the door open, waiting for me. I hurried as much as I could and thanked her.

I was really touched by her act of kindness. That afternoon I was at the K-Mart and I bought a white Teddy bear for her. The next day, there was a knock on the door and it was the little girl and her father. She was very proud of the bear and thanked me like I had never been thanked before.

Now when we meet in the hall, we all speak in a friendly manner. As time passes, I don’t hear that yelling as often as before.

Last night we had about four inches of snow. I looked out at my car and wondered how I was going to keep my doctor’s appointment. I went out to remove the snow. But when I opened my front door, I found my car was there with all the snow removed. You couldn’t imagine how I felt at that moment. I thanked that family in my heart.

Isn’t it amazing how a small kind act of a four-year-old girl can change so many things for the better? My guardian angel says that good things come from small acts.

小题1: Who did the writer think removed the snow on his car?

A.That family next door.

B.Someone sent by his doctor.

C.Some strangers.

D.The gate keeper.小题2:Which of the following is CORRECT according to the passage?

A.The children were very naughty and often made their parents angry.

B.Life must be very hard for the parents next door as they had a large family to support.

C.The writer put off the appointment with his doctor because of the heavy snow.

D.The little girl’s kind act changed the relationship between the writer and her family.小题3: The right time order of these events in the passage may be         .

① I bought a white Teddy bear for the four-year-old little girl.

② A new family moved into the building next to my door.

③ The four-year-old little girl held the door for me.

④ The father came with the little girl and thanked me.

⑤We speak to each other now in a friendly manner.










