阅读理解 Hello, I am Tommy Smith. This is m




       Hello, I am Tommy Smith. This is my room. Look! My backpack is on the desk. My English book

is on the dresser. My baseball is under the sofa. And my CDs are in the drawer.

       My name is Sally Hand. I'm a schoolgirl. I have eggs, oranges and bananas for breakfast. For lunch,

I like hamburgers, cabbage and oranges. For dinner, I like chicken, salad and broccoli.

       I'm a schoolboy. I'm Dave Clark. I like baseball. My friends and I play baseball every day. It's


       Hi, my name is Bill Hall. Where is my jacket? Please call me if you find it. My phone number is


1. Where is Tommy's English book?

A. In the backpack.  

B. On the desk.  

C. On the dresser.  

D. In the drawer.

2. What does Sally like for breakfast?

A. Hamburgers, cabbage and oranges.  

C. Eggs, oranges and bananas.

C. Eggs, cabbage and bananas.          

D. hamburgers, cabbage and eggs.

3. "cabbage" is a kind of ____.  

A. club          

B. sport          

C. book        

D. food

4. What sport does David like?      

A. Baseball.      

B. Basketball.      

C. Soccer.      

D. Ping-pong.

5. ____has a jacket.   

A. Tommy          

B. Sally          

C. David        

D. Bill

     Last month we made a survey among 300 students at our school. The questions we asked were,
"Who would you talk with when in trouble?" and "Why?" Here are some answers from them.
I would talk with my
parents or teachers when
in trouble. They are older than
I and have more experience
of life. They always listen
to me carefully and give me
helpful ideas. I trust them.
                         Zheng Hao
Life is full of small, troubles
but I'm never afraid of them.
I would talk with my friends
when in trouble because we
understand each other and they
always give me good suggestions.
I won't feel worried.
                            Chen Lei
I am a quiet girl. I like to
keep my secrets. I think nobody
can really understand me except
myself So I never tell others
when trouble. I' m in trouble
                               Li Yan

1. Zheng Hao likes to talk with his _________ when in trouble.
A. parents
B. classmates
C. friends
D. brothers
2. Chen Lei likes to talk with his friends when in trouble because _________.
A. they are older than he
B. they always give him good suggestions
C. he likes to keep secrets
D. they have more experience of life
3. From Li Yan's answer we know she is _________.
A. brave
B. active
C. funny
D. quiet

(10 分)阅读下列材料,回答问题

材料一   “宗室非有军功论,不得为属籍。明尊卑爵秩等级,各以差次名田宅,臣妾衣服以家次。有功者显荣,无功者虽富无所芬华。”……“商君相秦十年,宗室贵戚多怨望者。”


材料二 商君治秦,法令至行,公平无私,罚不讳强大,常不避亲近。法及大子,黥劓师傅。期年之后,道不拾遗,民不妄取,兵革大强,诸侯畏惧。










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