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An eighteen-year-old high school student from Utah won the top prize in the Intel Science Talent Search in the United States. The winner received a computer and a scholarship for a college education.

More than 1,500students from across the country entered projects in the competition this year. Their research included chemistry, medicine, physics, mathematics, engineering, and computer science-almost every area of science.

Forty students were invited to Washington, D.C. for the final judging. A group of scientists judged them on their research abilities, critical thinking skills and creativity. The judges also questioned the students about scientific problems before deciding on the winners.

The top winner received 100,000 dollars for college. Shannon Babb of American Fork High School studied the water quality of tile Spanish Fork River in Utah for six years. She found that people have a harmful effect on the river through human activity, including agriculture. And she suggested ways to improve the water quality in the future. These include educating the public not to put household chemicals down the drains(下水道), which lead to the river eventually.

Seventeen-year-old Yi Sun of the Hanker School in San Jose, California, earned the second place. He won a 75,000-dollar scholarship for new discoveries about a mathematical theory known as random walks. His work could help computer scientists and chemists. Yi Sun was born in China.

The third-place winner was also seventeen and born in China. Yuan “Chelsea” Zhang of Montgomery Blair High School in Rockville, Maryland, won a 50,000-dollar scholarship. She researched the molecular genetics(分子遗传学)of heart disease. Her findings could aid the development of new medicines.

The Intel Science Talent Search is the oldest science competition for high school students in the United States. It is 65 years old this year. Past winners have gone on to receive six Nobel prizes and other top honors in science and math.

小题1:What do we know about the talent search project?  

A.Most of its winners have received Nobel prizes.

B.The project includes researches in every area of science.

C.Only a small part of the students can attend the final judging.

D.Most of the winners come from Asian countries.小题2:According to the text,         .   

A.water quality in Utah will be better than that in the other states

B.the river was polluted only by those living near it

C.Shannon Babb suggested more than one way to improve the water quality

D.household chemicals should be kept in the drains forever小题3:Which of the following about the girl from Maryland is NOT true? 

A.The scholarship she received was half as many as Shannon Babb.

B.Her discovery is of great help to Chinese medicine.

C.Her research will contribute to the cure of heart disease.

D.She and the second-place winner Yi Sun have something in common.小题4:What is the text mainly about?  

A.Three winners' contributions to science and math.

B.Three Chinese students won the Science Talent Search.

C.Great rewards were given to winners in the competition.

D.Winners of the Intel Science Talent Search in the US.小题5:Where are you most likely to find this text?  

A.In a newspaper.

B.In a handbook.

C.In a textbook.

D.In a medical magazine.


提高物体(例如汽车)运动速率的有效途径是增大发动机的功率和减小阻力因数(设阻力与物体运动速率的平方成正比,即f=kv2,k是阻力因数).当发动机的额定功率为P0时,物体运动的最大速率为vm,如果要使物体运动的速率增大到2vm,则下列办法可行的是[ ]






计算下列各核酸水溶液在pH 7.0,通过1.0 cm光径杯时的260 nm处的A值(消光度)。已知:AMP的摩尔消光系数A 260 =15400

32 μmol/L AMP;


2003年4月,甲公司与乙公司协商,由乙公司购买一台甲公司所需的专用设备,提供给甲公司使用,甲公司每年支付30万元租金给乙公司,为期5年。5年后该设备归甲公司。乙公司应甲公司的要求,与丙公司签订了买卖合同,由丙公司根据甲公司的特殊要求定制。丙公司按期将设备运到甲公司后,甲公司认为质量不符合要求,遂要求丙公司修理或重作,丙公司要求乙公司付款,遭到了乙公司的拒绝。经三方多次协商后,丙公司同意按甲公司的要求修理该专用设备,甲公司检验合格后出具了验收合格通知书,乙公司遂向丙公司付款。 2004年6月,甲公司经理王某以该设备为抵押,为其妻弟与张某的合同履行做担保。乙公司知道后,向甲公司提出异议,并追讨甲公司欠付的租金,甲公司称公司没钱,要求将该设备退给乙公司,乙公司不允,称该设备是为甲公司专门定做的,即便收回也无法卖出或租出。 要求:根据上述情况,回答下列问题: (1)甲、乙、丙三方签订和履行合同的行为适用何种合同关系的规定 (2)甲公司是否有权直接向丙公司主张合同标的的权利,说明理由。 (3)甲公司向乙公司主张解除合同的权利是否符合法律规定,说明理由。 (4)甲公司经理王某能否以该设备为其妻弟的合同作抵押担保,说明理由。
