根据短文内容简要回答问题。 With the holidays coming




    With the holidays coming up, lots of people will be having parties. Want to make sure you're a perfect

host or guest(客人)? Now it's a good time to brush up on your party manners.

    When inviting guests to your party, send invitations to their homes instead of passing them out at school. This way, you won't hurt the feeling of classmates you didn't invite.

    (3)Wait for all your guests to arrive before starting any activities. If people at the party don't know each   other, make sure you introduce everyone.

    If your guests bring gifts for you, thank each gift----giver as you open his/her present. After the party,

be sure to send a hand-written thank-you card to each guest, telling them how much you appreciate their

gifts.When you receive a invitation to a party, (4) 一定要让主人知道你是否能来.

    Arrive on time. Bring a gift to a birthday party. If it's a holiday party, ask the host if there's anything you    can bring. Adults often bring a desert or a bottle of wine to a party, even when the host tells them that

 he/she doesn't need anything. Young people don't have to do this, but it's always polite to ask.

    Be friendly to the other guests. Remember to say "Please" and "Thank you"! When you leave, thank

the host for the party.

1. If you invite guests to your party, how should you send your invitation?


2. If your guests bring gifts for you,what should you do ?


3. 将短文中划线的句子翻译成汉语.


4. 将(4)处译成英语._______________________________________________

5. 请根据短文内容拟一个标题.__________________________________________


John Smith was lazy. He had finished his education and was happy to sit in his room and listen to the radio all day long. In fact, he had been doing nothing for almost six months, which worried his father a lot. One day Mr Smith decided that he had to do something. “Johnny, When I was your age 1 was working and supporting my ten brothers and sisters. I want you to go out and get a job.” So that was what he did. In fact, in the next three months, Johnny started ten jobs and was fired from ten jobs. He explained to his father.

“They wanted me to be at work at 8:00 a. m. and told me to do all sorts of unpleasant things.”

“I don’t care how you do it,” Mr Smith said. “Either you earn some money or move out of the house. I gave you one week’s time.”

In the next few days Johnny began to change. He still stayed in his room all day, but spent his time writing letters and reading through the newspapers. More and more posts began to arrive for him. He bought a new suit for himself and invited his parents to the theatre and for dinner afterwards at the most expensive restaurant in town. When his proud parents arrived home after their evening hour, a policeman was waiting at the front door.

“John Smith,” he said as he handed him a piece of paper, “I’ll see you in the court tomorrow.”

When he got outside, Johnny told his parents everything.

“When you told me to earn some money, 1 decided to put an advertisement in the newspaper saying, ‘New way to money fast! Send me $ 5 and I’ll tell you my secret.’ When I received the money I wrote back telling people to do as I do.”

Johnny was fined $ 250 by the court and was ordered to pay all the people back. As he left the court house feeling very ashamed, a newspaper man came up to him, “Young man, would you like to tell your story to my newspaper for $ 2500?”

小题1: Johnny was fired from the jobs because _______.

A.he liked listening to the radio

B.he had a big family to support

C.he spent a lot of time writing letters

D.he didn’t do the jobs well小题2: Johnny put an advertisement in the newspaper about _______ months after he left school.




D.eleven小题3: Why was Johnny fined $ 250? _______.

A.Because he was lazy

B.Because he was out of work

C.Because he deceived(欺骗)

D.Because he didn’t pay for his new suit小题4: What would probably happen at last? _______.

A.Johnny would get $ 2500 from the newspaper

B.The court would give $ 250 back to Johnny

C.Johnny would continue to advertise in the newspaper

D.Johnny would become a newspaper reporter小题5:Which of the following questions is NOT answered by the information from the passage? _______?

A.How did the parents feel when Johnny invited them to the theatre and dinner

B.What’s Johnny’s secret

C.What did the policeman want Johnny to do

D.How much did Johnny have to pay all the people back





















