阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。 There is a Chinese say




There is a Chinese saying: Time and tidy wait for no man. Have too many things to do in too little time? Well, 76if you make a good plan, everything will be in order. This chart will certainly help. If you can do all this, every your single day will be productive(高效率的).

●Make a list

It all begins with listing. If you don’t have a list, create one.

●Worst first

We often have one thing on the list, which is hanging over our heads and makes us worried. Work on it first and make the rest of your day easier.

●Just do it

Those small thing are easier to deal with. Complete them and cross them off the list.

●Make things enjoyable

Have small breaks, enjoy music, or even a snack when you are tired.①________

●Pack times

Which part of your time is most productive?②__________


a. Sometimes you will not complete everything on your list. This is okay. Add them to tomorrow’s list with a star so that you will know they should be done first the next day.

b. By the day’s end you will have a rough (粗略的)idea of things you need to do tomorrow. Go ahead and list them. Tomorrow when you start fresh, you will not forget to do them.


小题2:What should you do if you are tired according to the passage?



A. Replay all the e-mail at a time and make all the phone calls at another time. This will help keep your mind and your job clear.

B. When this time comes around, close your door so that it is just you and your work.

C. Life is short. Enjoy your work.


小题4:What should you do if you can not finish today’s work?


小题5:Give a title(标题)in the passage.



某物体在地面上受到的重力为160N ,将它放置在卫星中,在卫星以的加速度随火箭加速升空的过程中,当物体与卫星中的支持物之间的相互挤压力为90N时,卫星距地面有多高?(地球的半径R=6400km,g=10m/s2)


When in 1789, George Washington became the first president of the United States, there was no permanent capital in which to house the government. During the Revolutionary War several different cities had served as the national capital. In addition, members of congress could not agree as to where this permanent capital should be located. Some officials wanted it in the north, others wanted it in the south. Each of the states hoped that the capital might lie within its own state lines. At last it was decided that the capital should occupy a section by itself, separate from any of the states. The place chosen was situated on the Potomac River. The land belonged originally to the state of Maryland, but Maryland agreed to the national government. The section was named the Washington. Work was begun on the new capital in 1791. in the year 1899 Congress occupied the new capital building at the same time the White House was opened as the home of all future presidents.

小题1:Before the year 1800, the capital of America had been located in _______.



C.New York

D.several cities小题2:Why was it decided that the capital should be separated from any of the states? Because ________.

A.the District of Columbia was on the borders of several states

B.the District of Columbia was in the center of America

C.Maryland insisted that the capital lie in its own state

D.Each of the states wanted the capital might lie within its own state小题3:The capital was named after _______.

A.an explorer, who first found the place

B.the place where it occupied

C.the first president of the United States of America

D.a famous general who fought in the war小题4:Presidents of the United States live in ________.

A.the capital building


C.New York

D.the White House


氢气的热值为14.3×107J/kg,完全燃烧0.1kg氢气可以放出 _________ J的热量,这些热量可以使100kg水温度从20℃升高到 _________ ℃。作为燃料,氢气燃烧后的生成物仅为水,和煤炭相比具有 _________ 的特点.[水的比热容为4.2×103J/(kg﹒℃)]













