— What do you think of Miss Li’s teachin



— What do you think of Miss Li’s teaching?

—Oh, no one teaches ________.






日本人に個性がないということはよく言われていることだけれど、今世界的に、一週間、あるいは年間にどれだけ働くか、ということついて、常識的な申し合わせが行なわれていることには、私は①いつも違和感を覚えている。 私は毎年、身体障害者の方たちとイスラエルやイタリアなどに巡礼の旅をしているが、一昨年はシナイ山に上った。盲人も六人、ボランティアの助力を得て頂上を究めた。 普段、数十歩しか歩けない車椅子の人にも、頂上への道を少しでも歩いてもらった。②障害者にとっての頂上は、決して現実の山の頂きではない。もし普段百歩しか歩けない障害者が、頑張ってその日に限り、山道を二百歩歩いて力尽きたら、③そここそがその人にとっての光栄ある山頂なのである。 ④人間が週に何時間働くべきか、ということにも、ひとりひとりの適切な時間があると思う。労働時間を一律に決めなければならない、とするのは専門職ではない、未熟練労働に対する基準としてのみ有効である。 未熟練労働者の場合は、時間あたりの労働賃金をできるだけ高くし、それによって労働時間を短縮しようとして当然である。 しかし、⑤専門職と呼ばれる仕事に従事する人は、労働報酬の時間あたりの金額など、ほとんど問題外だ。 私は小説家だが、小説家の仕事も専門職に属するから、一つの作品のためにどれだけ時間をかけようと勝手である。短編をほんの二、三時間で書いてしまうこともあるし、十年、二十年と資料を集め調べ続けてやっと完成するものもある。一つの⑥作品に私がどれだけの時間や労力や調査費をかけようが、昼夜何時間ずつ働こうが、それは私がプロである以上、自由である。 日本の社会の中には、職場の同僚がお互いに⑦牽制するので、取ってもいいはずの休みも取れない人が確かにかなりいる。小さな会社の社長に頼みこまれると、したくもない残業をしなければならなくなる社員もいる。そうしないと会社が潰れて失職することが⑧目に見えているからである。その結果「過労死」などということも稀には起きることになる。 しかし、日本人の中には、仕事が趣味という人も実に多い。ブルーカラー(注1)と呼ばれている人たちの中にさえ、どうしたら仕事の能率が上がるか考えている人はざら(注2)である。趣味になりかけているものが、たまたま会社の仕事だから、時間が来たら帰らねばならない、というのもおかしなことだ。それは⑨プロ(注3)の楽しみを妨げることであって、一種の個人の自由の束縛というものである。 ただそれほど働きたくない人は仕事をしない自由を完全に守れるように、社会は体制を作り変えるべきである。 注1:ブルーカラー=肉体労働者 注2:ざら=同類がいくらでもあって珍しくない様子 注3:プロ=職業的、専門的







It is hard to escape the fact that in developed societies, despite progress, innovation and prosperity, there is something not quite right. In some cases, it is hard for people to put a finger on it. a feeling of emptiness and not belonging, a lack of defined relationships and solid social structures. In other respects, it is readily quantifiable, rates of drug abuse, violent crime and depression and suicide are rocketing. Why are we so unhappy It seems that the Enlightenment brought forth unparalleled liberty in economic, social and political life, but we are now undergoing a midlife crisis. The politics of happiness is nothing new. Aristotle once said that happiness is the goal of life. But for me, the person who brings the great conundrum of personal happiness alive is Robert Kennedy. In a beautifully crafted speech, he said what "makes life worthwhile" is "the health of our children, the quality of their education, they joy of their play," "the strength of our marriages.., our devotion to our country" and our "wit... wisdom and courage. " And he pointed out that none of these could be measured by gross national product.
Nor should we be surprised by the politics of happiness Ask people how they are, and they will answer in terms of their family life, community life and work life, rather than just what they are paid. Despite this, it is a notoriously difficult subject for politicians to grasp. One reason is that happiness and well-being are generally not well served by statistical analysis. Politicians, obsessed with inputs and outputs, targets and controls, are flummoxed by immeasurable concepts such as the value people place on spending time with their families. Another reason is that electoral cycles lend themselves to a culture of short-termism, with a need for immediate and quantifiable measurements.
One such measurement is GDP. In many ways, increasing this has been the raison d’etre for many center-right political parties since the 1980s. Back then, many developed economies were in a state of economic malaise, with persistently high inflation and unemployment. We needed something to reverse this stagnation and put us back onto the path of prosperity. Thankfully, we got that. Today we need to be just as revolutionary to put us back on track to social prosperity, to respond to that yearning for happiness. That is why I have been arguing in Britain that we need to refocus our energies on general well-being (GWB). It means recognizing the social, cultural and moral factors that give true meaning to our lives. In particular, it means focusing on a sustainable environment and building per societies. And yes, it also means recognizing that there is more to life than money., indeed, that quality of life means more than the quantity of money.
I think the center-right can be the champions of this cause. The center-left never really get the well-being agenda because they treat individuals as units of account. And they find it difficult to understand how it cannot be delivered simply by the push of a legislator’s pen. Instead, the politics of well-being is a politics that needs to be founded on sharing responsibility. Of course, government must take its own responsibilities. But that needs to be part of a wider cultural change, a cultural change that will occur as a consequence of legislation, leadership and social change. What’s the government’s role It is to show leadership and set the framework. Showing leadership means leading the change in the many areas that impact on well-being. For example, everyone would agree that spending more time with family is crucial to happiness. Here governments should be pioneers of flexible working with public-sector employees.
Setting the right framework means creating incentives and removing barriers to remodel the context within which the whole of society makes choices. Take the environment. Everyone would agree that a cleaner local environment would enhance our well-being. By setting a framework that creates a price for carbon in our economy and encourages green innovation, the government can help people make the better choice.
Ultimately, society’s happiness requires us all to play our part. Indeed, playing our part is part of being happy. That is why we need a revolution in responsibility. Corporate responsibility means businesses taking a proactive role, and taking account of their employees’ lives. Civic responsibility means giving power back to local government, community organizations and social enterprises so they can formulate local solutions to local problems. And personal responsibility means we all do out bit, be it in cleaning up our local environment or participating in local politics.
Professor Nell Browne at Bowling Green State University recently wrote an article. "If Markets Are So Wonderful, Why Can’t I Find Friends at the Store " It is not that markets are bad or that we are doomed to a life of perpetual unhappiness. Rather, given our advances in terms of political freedom, economic enterprise and cultural ingenuity, life could, and should, be more satisfying. That is why focusing on general well-being could be the big, defining political concept of the 21st century. And by recognizing the responsibility every section of society has, we also have the means to enhance it.

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage

A.Politicians are obsessed with inputs and outputs, targets and controls.

B.short-termism leads to the pursuit of immediate and quantifiable measurements.

C.Center-right political parties have long focused on the increase of GDP.

D.The cause of building GWB can be led by the center-left political parties.







对城市公共交通的服务质量的考核进行衡量,下列说法有误的一项是( )。




