完型填空 Books are our greatest friends. The




Books are our greatest friends. They 1 us stories of every country in the world. They give us all kinds of  2 .

Life is short. One can not know and see 3 in the world. 4- the help of books, one is able to know what happened thousands of years ago and 5 is happening in every part of the world now. Books give us not only knowledge   6  pleasure. Reading good booksis the best way of_7    our free time. And many beautiful stories for children are 8and full of wisdom(智慧).

All the great men 9 books. Knowledge from books helps them to succeed, because books are the source(源泉)of knowledge and knowledge is the source of  10 .

小题1:A. say        B. talk        C. Tell

小题2:A. knowledge  B. food        C. exercise

小题3:A. nothing    B. everything  C. something

小题4:A. With       B. Under       C. At

小题5:A. how        B. when        C. what

小题6:A. and        B. but also    C. as well as

小题7:A. spending   B. taking      C. costing

小题8:A. interest   B. interested  C. interesting

小题9:A. love       B. hate        C. dislike

小题10:A. friendship B. success     C. Failure


I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have ______.













保险公司的资金不得用于( )。








Everyone was born with his own built-in burglar(窃贼) alarm. It’s called the sense of sight and sound.Unfortunately, many of us go around with the alarm switched off.

We don’t see the stranger wandering outside the house next door.

We don’t notice the sounds from the flat upstairs.

(Weren’t they supposed to be on holiday?)

The police can only do so much to prevent crime. There never can be enough of them to guard every home in every town. So they need your help in fighting with the burglars,the vandals(恣意破坏者), and the car thieves.

Not, of course, by setting out to have a go every time you see something suspicious. It’ll always be the job of the police to arrest criminals.

But by acting as a line of communication between them and your community, for instance, you probably know far more about your immediate neighborhoods than the police ever could.

A stranger in someone’s garden would probably be far more obvious to you than it would to even the local police, if, of course, you were on the look-out.

That’s the whole idea behind the Neighborhood Watch schemes, springing up around the country to create a spirit of watchfulness within a community, anything suspicious being reported to the police.

It’s early days yet, but results so far are very encouraging. The crime figures are already dropping in many of the areas running the scheme. And all due to people like you.

61. The underlined word “them” refers to “______”.

A. criminals          B. the police   C. neighbors   D. strangers

62. The advertisement points out that many people______.

A. are not ready to help the police   

B. are not as watchful as they could be

C. don’t look after their gardens well      

D. don’t tell their neighbors about their holidays

63. One of the ways we could help prevent crime is to______.

A. turn on the alarm system in our home 

B. try to stop criminals from escaping

C. look out for people behaving suspiciously 

D. inform the police if we hear noises upstairs

64. The purpose of the advertisement is to __________in their neighborhood.

A. ask people to join the police force

B. advise people how to protect their homes

C. warn people about the increasing risk of crime

D. encourage people to be on watch for possible crime


