阅读理解。 We were on a visit to Monkey Isla




    We were on a visit to Monkey Island. Jim thought we should try water skiing(滑水). We can get a boat and skis at Monkey Island.

    "Don't go water skiing near Monkey Island today," said the woman standing near the boats. "There

might be sharks(鲨鱼) in the water."

    "I don't think so." said Jim who thought he knew everything.

    "I wouldn't go water skiing in the sea near Monkey Island today," said the man with the woman. "They

saw sharks in the water yesterday."

    "The sharks won't hurt me," said Jim with a big smile on his face.

    Another man getting out of a boat said, "I'm sure we just saw a shark in the water a few minutes ago."

    "Don't worry about me," said Jim. "I don't worry about sharks."

    Jim and his two friends, Bill and Bruce pushed the boat into the water. Jim was driving the boat. He

drove very fast and sprayed water on everyone standing near the boat.

    Jim drove the boat to the middle of the sea near Monkey Island. Everyone could see him and the boat. He wanted to show everyone how well he could water ski.

    "You drive the boat, Bill," Jim said. "Bruce, you watch me and the rope while I water ski."

    "What about the sharks?" asked Bill.

    "Forget about the sharks," said Jim. "I'm not afraid of sharks."

    Jim got into the water. He was putting his feet in the water skis. Then Jim felt something large and hard

touch his leg as it swam past him. Suddenly, a brown fin(鳍) moved through the water towards Jim.

    Later, when Bill and Bruce stopped laughing, they said, "We never saw anyone move so fast! You were running on top of the water to get back in the boat! You even left the water skis in the water.

    "There it is again! Shark! Shark!" cried Jim.

    Everyone laughed----even the people standing on shore.

    The dolphin(海豚) came to surface again, took a deep breath, smiled at Jim and went back down into

the deep water.

1. How many people told Jim there might be sharks in the water?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

D. Four.

2. What did Jim saw in the water in fact? 

A. A shark.  

B. A dolphin.    

C. A whale.    

D. Nothing.  

3. According to the passage, what is TRUE with Jim?  

A. He was a brave young man.     

B. He was a young man loving animals.

C. He was not afraid of a shark but afraid of a dolphin.

D. He was a young man who wouldn't take others' advice


Dear Sir or Madam,
     I live in Sawnbeck District.  I took a walk in Smethwick Park with my  17-month-old  son  this
morning We were throwing some bread to feed the ducks in the park when a warden (看护人) of the
park walked towards us. She asked me to stop feeding the ducks because I was making a  mess. We
followed what she said, but she then started asking for a fine. I askd,
    "What for?" She said, "Littering." It was so funny! I take my son to feed the ducks every week. He
loves it. I will not pay the fine.              
                                                                                                                      Yours ,
                                                                                                                Kelly Brown
Department of Public Service, Sawnbeck District

Dear Kelly,
   We have also talked with the warden who fined you. We have a rule that people must feed the ducks
only in feeding areas. It was made two months ago. You can find it in the Bulletin Board at the gate of
the park. Last Saturday you and your son broke the rule.  So the warden was simply following the
park rules by fining you. You do not have to pay the fine this time, but if you are caught again, you must
pay the fine.
                                                                                                                      Yours ,
                                                                                                                Jackson Hussain

1. Kelly and her son were feeding ducks in Smethwick Park on           .   
A. Monday    
B. Tuesday      
C. Saturday    
D. Sunday
2. Kelly was fined for          .     
A. making noises            
B. killing ducks
C. cutting trees            
D. littering
3. Kelly's son feels          when he feeds the ducks every week.  
A. sorry      
B. happy      
C. hungry      
D. angry
4. Department of Public Service made the rule mainly because         .
A. enough food had caused deaths of ducks
B. feeding ducks had damaged the environment of the park
C. the bread caused a mess in the park
 D. the park could make money from the fine
5. According to the letter from Jackson to Kelly, Department of Public Service      
A. says Kelly doesn't have to pay the fine this time
B. says sorry to Kelly for what the warden did
C. believes the rule isn't perfect
D. will set up a Bulletin Board at the gate of the park

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