
题型:问答题 简答题


某缝纫机厂与某纺织服装总厂签订了一份购买缝纫机的合同。数量为50台,总价款10万元,缝纫机由缝纫机厂用火车托运到纺织服装总厂。合同签订后不久,缝纫机厂就按照合同的约定向纺织服装厂及时运了50台缝纫机。但缝纫机厂向纺织服装厂收取货款时,纺织服装厂以“我厂正在整顿,无款可付”为由拒绝付款。缝纫机厂再一次派人去催要货款时,纺织服装厂已经分立为纺织厂和服装加工厂,纺织厂认为,缝纫机均划归为服装加工厂所有,不应由纺织厂代付贷款;服装加工厂认为,合同由纺织服装厂签订,应和纺织厂共同还债。 问:(1)纺织服装厂以“我厂正在整顿,无款可付”为由拒绝付款的理由能否成立?为什么? (2)本案中谁负有债务清偿责任?为什么?

题型:问答题 简答题

按照《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》规定,木质踢脚线按设计图示尺寸以( )计算。


题型:问答题 简答题


题型:问答题 简答题

As everyone knows, classroom teaching is one of the most important ways that the students learn English. In English classroom teaching, teachers have to arouse the students’ interest so that they may learn better. There are many ways to arouse the students ‘interest; body language is an effective way in English teaching practice.

  Nowadays, with the reform of English teaching methods, more and more English teachers organize their teaching process in English. That means teachers have to instruct and explain basically in English, and the students also should use English in class contemporarily. However, the students can’t speak English very well. Besides, their vocabulary is limited and their expressive ability is not good enough, either. These limitations have made it difficult to realize the communicative English in class. According to the students’ present level and practical situation, body language is required. For example, if a teacher gives an instruction “You two, please come to the blackboard”, the students can easily understand it if the teacher looks at or points to some two students. Then, the teacher points to the blackboard. The students will carry out the order without obstacles even if they don’t hear the key word “blackboard” clearly.

In the actual English teaching, teachers frequently use body language to improve both the teaching effect and the students’ characters. In school education, body language plays a positive role in building students ‘characters. This is because teachers are usually respected and what the teachers say and do will be possibly imitated by the students. In a word, teachers’ graceful body language helps to improve students’ artistic appreciation and their characters, especially their morality. If students develop wonderful body language, they will surely have a smooth relation with each other. Teachers reflect their affection of body language on the students not only by setting a good example, but also build a bridge between teachers and students. As a matter of fact, teachers’ friendly appearance can greatly encourage students to study enthusiastically. Body language not only motivates students’ interest but also improves the effect of classroom teaching greatly.

As we know, learning English needs practice. The 45 minutes in class is very precious and should be valued, during which the students should practice as much as possible. To make good use of the limited time, teachers should adopt some effective methods. The use of body language cannot only make the students listen more attentively in class, but can also deepen their impression and imagination. Teachers usually have to explain some language points, and at this time, they can also carry out their teaching task easily with the help of body language in the teaching process.

题型:问答题 简答题






题型:问答题 简答题





