




----You've agreed to go, so why aren't you getting ready?

----But I _______ that you wanted me to start at once.

A.don't realize

B.haven't realized

C.won't realize

D.didn't realize



1.挪  揉搓  搅拌  捐  找     

     小丽听说这一次的(     )献可以(     )旧衣服,十分高兴。她回到家里,先(     )出了一些自己不合穿但还十分新的衣服,然后拿来一个盆子,倒进洗衣粉,放进水, (    )了几下,再把衣服放进去,用力地

(     )着。一会儿,把凳子(    )了一下位置,继续洗着……   

2.陈列  陈设  观赏  欣赏     

(1)北京自然博物馆的古生物大厅里,(     )着一具大象的骨架。     

(2)屋子里摆着古老的木制家具,这样的(     )显得古色古香。     

(3)我静静地(     )着优美的交响乐曲。     

(4)中外游客不约而同地来到令人神往的九寨沟,(     )那美丽的山水。



⑴日月忽其不淹兮,     ▲          ▲     ,恐美人之迟暮。(屈原《离骚》)

⑵竭诚则吴越为一体,     ▲     。(魏征《谏太宗十思疏》)

⑶怨不在大,     ▲          ▲     ,所宜深慎。(魏征《谏太宗十思疏》)

     ▲     ,吾将上下而求索。(屈原《离骚》)

⑸劝君莫惜金缕衣,     ▲     。(唐·无名氏《金缕衣》)

     ▲     ,死亦为鬼雄。(宋·李清照《夏日绝句》)


属于全面质量管理主要特点的有( )。







For centuries people have been fighting over whether governments should allow trade between countries. There have been, and probably always will be, (1) to the argument. Some people argue that just (2) is best for both the country and the world. Others argue that trade with other countries (3) for some people to make a good living. Both sides are at least (4) .
International trade matters a lot. Its effects on (5) are enormous. Imagine a world in which your country (6) at all with other countries. Imagine what kind of job you would be (7) and what goods you could buy or not buy in such a world.
For the United States, for example, start by imagining that it lived without its (8) a year in imported oil, and cut back on its (9) because the remaining domestic oil and other energy sources were (10) . Producers and consumers in other parts of the economy would (11) if they were suddenly stripped of foreign-made goods like CD players and clothing. On the (12) side, suppose that Boeing could sell airplanes, and farmers could sell their crops, (13) the United States, and that U. S. universities could admit only (14) . In each case there are people who gain and people who lose from (15) international trade. In any case, less or more international trade will have (16) on your career as well as your life.
For years, American companies are often faced with the choice of buying (17) , which are expensive, and foreign-made goods, which are cheap. If the company buys American goods, it may (18) taxpayers by failing to keep prices low. But if it buys foreign goods, it may (19) the jobs of American workers. Recently, Congress has passed a law compelling American companies with government contracts to (20) domestic goods and services.

For centuries people have been fighting over whether governments should allow trade between countries. There have been, and probably always will be, (1) to the argument. Some people argue that just (2) is best for both the country and the world. Others argue that trade with other countries (3) for some people to make a good living. Both sides are at least (4) .
International trade matters a lot. Its effects on (5) are enormous. Imagine a world in which your country (6) at all with other countries. Imagine what kind of job you would be (7) and what goods you could buy or not buy in such a world.
For the United States, for example, start by imagining that it lived without its (8) a year in imported oil, and cut back on its (9) because the remaining domestic oil and other energy sources were (10) . Producers and consumers in other parts of the economy would (11) if they were suddenly stripped of foreign-made goods like CD players and clothing. On the (12) side, suppose that Boeing could sell airplanes, and farmers could sell their crops, (13) the United States, and that U. S. universities could admit only (14) . In each case there are people who gain and people who lose from (15) international trade. In any case, less or more international trade will have (16) on your career as well as your life.
For years, American companies are often faced with the choice of buying (17) , which are expensive, and foreign-made goods, which are cheap. If the company buys American goods, it may (18) taxpayers by failing to keep prices low. But if it buys foreign goods, it may (19) the jobs of American workers. Recently, Congress has passed a law compelling American companies with government contracts to (20) domestic goods and services.
