


甲有限责任公司(以下简称“甲公司”)由四位股东A公司,B公司、张某和D研究所出资设立,注册资本为300万元,A公司以厂房和机器设备出资180万元,B公司以货币出资60万元,张某以货币出资30万元,D研究所以专利技术出资30万元。甲公司董事会共有3位董事,A公司和B公司各推举一名董事,另一名董事由股东张某担任。公司章程规定,将公司资金借贷给他人或者以公司资产为他人提供担保,应由公司董事会决议。 甲公司董事张某兼任公司总经理,张某在5年前曾经担任一家企业的负责人,后该企业因违法经营被吊销营业执照。张某的亲戚因买房,向张某借款,张某在犹豫再三并要求该亲戚为其出具借据后,将公司的资金20万元借给该亲戚。之后,张某为了降低该笔借款的风险,又与该亲戚订立了抵押担保合同,将该房产抵押给甲公司,并代表甲公司与其亲戚签订了抵押担保合同,并在相关部门办理了该房屋的抵押登记手续。董事张某的该行为,后被监事会发现,监事会责令张某予以改正,将借贷给其亲戚的房款追回。但是张某认为,该笔借款他本人也非常谨慎,并为此与该亲戚办理厂抵押担保手续。甲公司的个别监事同时对张某的任职资格表示质疑。 甲公司经过几年发展,其净资产规模达到800万元,甲公司股东会讨论决定甲公司改制为股份有限公司(以下称“甲股份公司”)。甲公司董事会于该次股东会召开前15日通知各位股东,最终股东会以代表270万元的表决权赞成,代表30万元的表决权弃权,表决通过了该改制方案。 如果甲股份公司欲公开发行股票,在发行股票前,甲股份公司聘请乙会计师事务所为其股票发行出具审计报告。本次准备发行数额为4200万股(每股面值1元),甲股份公司的发起人认购 2200万股,其余股份向社会公开发行。 要求:根据以上事实,请分别回答下列问题: (1) 甲公司的出资方式是否符合《公司法》的规定请说明理由。甲公司董事会的产生是否合法为什么甲公司章程规定的内容是否合法为什么 (2) 董事张某的借贷行为是否合法为什么如果不合法,应如何处理张某的任职是否违反《公司法》的规定请说明理由。 (3) 甲公司股东会通过的改制方案是否有效请说明理由。如果该方案无效,股东可采取什么措施甲股份公司的注册资本最多有多少为什么 (4) 如果该公司股票发行成功并上市交易,乙会计师事务所的注册会计师能否购买该公司股票甲股份公司的发起人持有的股份能否转让该公司的董事、监事及高级管理人员持有的本公司股票在任职期间内是否不得转让均请说明理由。


吞噬细胞、T淋巴细胞、B淋巴细胞在体液免疫感应阶段所起的作用是[ ]






The Maum Sin Yong School says that they are the first in Colorado and the one of only two schools in the US to teach martial arts (武术) to students with mental diseases.

“They do everything that our regular classes do,” says Rob Hansen, Tae Kwon Do instructor. Hansen teaches the kids how to punch (拳打), kick, and block along with the values of the Korean martial arts. He says that they also learn confidence and how to improve their motor skills. “They’ve learned focus, just to be able to pick one item and pay attention to it.”

“Tae Kwon Do is pretty fun,” says Christina Hinkle. She was born with Down syndrome (唐氏综合症) and says she never wants to miss class. “Well, how come? It’s pretty fun.”

“Ever since she saw Karate Kid, she’s been running around the house, doing kicks and punches,” says Peggy Hinkle, Christina’s mother. Peggy says that her daughter processes information slowly and taking Tae Kwon Do lessons has helped her in all parts of her life. “It gives her a chance to be a regular kid.”

Wednesday’s class is not a normal class. Instead, it’s a day that all the students have been waiting for. “Today is actually the first day, and I’m actually going to be able to test these guys,” says Hansen. The students would receive their White Belts. However, in order to receive their belts, the students must show off their skills in front of a group of Black Belts.

“Nervous? No way. I’m so excited,” says Christina just before she displayed what she has learned over the past few months. She and the other students also answered questions about the history of Tae Kwon Do, as well as its philosophy (哲学).

“To me, it’s just really important for them to actively see that they are learning something,” says Hansen. “That they actually are able to be rewarded for everything that they’ve done in this class.” All the students passed. They received their White Belts.

“To see the joy in her face was very rewarding,” says Peggy. She videotaped the whole test and hugged her daughter telling her that she’s proud. “Christina feels like she could do anything,” she says.

Christina says that her next goal is to keep working on her skills so she can move up to a Gold Belt. She says, “Oh, my God, I can’t believe I got the first rank.”

小题1: The purpose of teaching the students with mental disease Tae Kwon Do is _______.

A.to help them gain confidence and be skilled at concentration

B.to enable them to punch and kick the other opponents

C.to take part in tournament and win prize.

D.to get rid of their mental diseases and run motorcar小题2:Wednesday is the time ________ according to the text.

A.when the students with mental disease will begin to learn Tae Kwon Do

B.when Hansen’s students will give a display of what they have learned.

C.when Hansen’s students will replace their black belts with white belts.

D.when the parents can see how Hansen teach their children with mental disease.小题3: The example of Christina in the passage suggests________.

A.children are learning Tae Kwon Do with their parents’ company.

B.Rob Hansen is a strict coach of teaching Tae Kwon Do

C.children with mental disease are interested in Tae Kwon Do

D.Tae Kwon Do can cure mental disease.小题4:What can we infer from the passage?

A.Learning Tae Kwon Do is beneficial to children with mental disease both in health and mind.

B.Any child with mental disease should come to learn Tae Kwon Do.

C.Parents understand why Rob Hansen teach children with metal disease.

D.More schools like The Maum Sin Yong School are needed in America.












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