设机器字长为16,则原码表示的定点小数的最大值为 (7) ,用补码表示的定点小数的最



设机器字长为16,则原码表示的定点小数的最大值为 (7) ,用补码表示的定点小数的最小值为 (8)






上市公司董事、监事和高级管理人员在任职期间,每年通过集中竞价、大宗交易、协议转让等方式转让的股份不得超过其所持本公司股份总数的25%,因( )等导致股份变动的除外。







① NaCl溶液与AgNO3溶液反应                            (写出离子方程式)

② K2SO4                                            (写出电离方程式)

③ NaHCO3                                             (写出电离方程式)


OSI 参考模型中最上层的是________。






要配制0.2mol·L-1的纯碱溶液500mL,在天平上称出             g碳酸钠晶体 (Na2CO3·10H2O),把称好的碳酸钠晶体放在               里,用适量             使它完全溶解,冷却到室温, 把制得的溶液沿             小心地注入            。用蒸馏水洗涤烧杯内壁              次,并把每次洗涤液都注入               ,轻轻振荡容量瓶使它里面的溶液混合均匀,缓慢地加入蒸馏水,到接近刻度线              cm时,改用               加水到刚好和刻度线                ,把容量瓶塞好,反复摇匀。


The run-up to the launch of China's first lunar orbiter at the end of this month has caught the country's imagination, with more than two thirds of the nation hoping to see the launch live on TV, according to a survey.                              

According to the survey by China Youth Daily and www.qq.com, almost the entire nation hopes to catch images of the event at some point, with 99 percent of the 10358 respondents saying they expected to witness the satellite launch and 68.9 percent said they were certain to watch the live broadcast of the launch. On www.qq.com and www.sina.com, two popular web portals in the country, internet users have contributed some 2,000 poems and 5000 drawings on the theme of Chang'e I.

"The satellite launch means much more than just saying 'hello' to the moon. Maybe in the future we could also send some people to accompany sister 'Chang'e'," said a college student in the survey.

Remarkably, many people expect to visit the moon one day, with 93.4 percent of respondents saying they expected to do so.

Chang'e I is named after Chang'e, a famous character from Chinese mythology. She ascended from earth to live on the moon as a celestial being after drinking an elixir.

There is also another connection between the moon and China. In the 1970s, a crater on the moon was named after a Chinese stargazer, Wan Hu, who is said to be the first astronaut in human history.

Legend says about 600 years ago, around the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Wan Hu, a local government official, tried to fly into space with the help of a chair, two big kites and 47 self-made gunpowder-filled rockets. According to the legend after the rockets were lit there was a huge bang and lots of smoke. When the smoke cleared Wan was nowhere to be found.

China's first astronaut flew into space in 2003 with the launch of the Chinese-made spaceship Shenzhou V. China became the third country, after the Soviet Union and the United States, to carry out manned space missions.

小题1:Which is true according to the passage?

A.According to a survey, two thirds of the nation are hoping to see the launch live on TV,

B.The internet users have drawn some 5000 pictures of ‘Chang’e’.

C.Wan Hu, a Chinese stargazer(n. 看星星的人,占星师,天文学家) , was dead after the huge bang and a lot of smoke.

D.China’s first astronaut flew into space in 2003 in the spaceship Shenzhou VI.小题2:What’s the meaning of the underlined word in paragraph 5?

A.a kind of medicine for long life.

B.a kind of medicine to make you light enough to fly in the air.

C.a kind of wine

D.a kind of alcohol.小题3:Why was Wan Hu said to be the first astronaut in human history?

A.Because a crater on the moon was named after his name.

B.Because he was the first to go to the moon in his own “spaceship”.

C.Because of his courage for scientific experiment to the moon.

D.Because he made the first rocket in human history.
