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     Paul was dealing with a crisis. The new girl Linda in class really liked him a lot. Paul was not happy

about it.

     Paul's good friend, Sam, tried to comfort him. "What's the big deal? I think Linda is kind of cute and

nice enough."

     Paul glared at Sam. "Then why don't you ask her to be your girlfriend? There she is, sitting all by

herself at the other end of the cafeteria. Go there and ask her to be your honey!"

     "She's crazy about you, not me," Sam replied.

     "Well, I don't want any girlfriend, especially not a girl like her! "Paul growled.

     Sam wouldn't give up. "The only thing pesky (讨厌的) about her is that she keeps writing you those

notes ."

     "I don't like notes at all!" Paul interrupted. He took another sip of milk.

     "Did you notice those strange brown eyes? Why aren't they normal red or pink?"

     Sam took another look at Linda. "I think her face is a lovely shade of green. And her dark green curly

hair is quite pretty. Besides, she's very gentle and that's what really matters."

     Paul stuck out his tongue. "I think I'm going to be sick! I'd better save my dessert for later." He

crammed a small bag of Maggot Munchies into his even smaller shirt pocket. "The fact is, I have a

problem. That girl is getting on my nerves! "

     Sam followed Paul's example and decided to save his dessert for later. However, he carefully placed

the bag into his lunch box. "Do you have any ideas about how to solve your problem?" Sam asked.

     "I'm going to be mean and rude to her," Paul announced. "I'll call her names and make ugly faces at


     "That's how you treat everyone," Sam reminded his friend.

     Paul nodded. "It's time that Linda got to know the real Paul!"

1. What does the underlined part "a crisis" in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A. how to get away from Linda        

B. how to win Linda over

C. how to get Sam's help              

D. how to save money

2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Paul pretended to be rude in order to make Linda stop liking him.

B. Sam thought that looks were more important than personality.

C. Sam thought that Linda was cute.

D. Paul offered his dessert to Linda to make her sick.

3. Sam appreciate Linda in the following aspects EXCEPT_____.

A. her eyes                

B. her hair            

C. her face        

D. her character

4. What's the meaning of the underlined phrase "getting on my nerves" according to the passage? 

A. faling in love with me    

B. making me happy    

C. making me sad  

D. annoying me

5. What is implied from this passage?

A. Linda will be Sam's girlfriend.      

B. Paul has fallen in love with another girl.

C. Paul and Linda are classmates.      

D. Paul and Linda are colleges students.














       (1)句:( )处,改正:                           (2)句:( )处,改正:                     


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